Obsessive Life

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From the moment of my birth, it seemed as though bad luck had taken hold of my life. I can't help but think I was cursed with the worst luck imaginable. It all started with my parents, Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. I refuse to call them my parents because they sold me for nothing but money. At first, I tried to convince myself that they needed the money due to struggling with their bakery and that they would come back for me eventually. But as I grew older, around the age of 8, I discovered the truth. They were living a life of success, with multiple bakery branches across Paris. It shattered any hope I had that they would ever truly care for me.

However, Tikki and Plagg, on the other hand, are the complete opposite of my biological parents. They are my legal foster family and the heads of M Agency, the second top private spy agency known worldwide. As their only daughter, I have been immersed in the world of espionage since they brought me into their lives. From a young age, I learned and trained in everything a top spy does, except for actual missions, which began when I turned 7. As for schooling, I was homeschooled by Tikki, who was overprotective of me. Despite being only 16, I had already completed my required studies and obtained a degree. However, for the sake of proper graduation, my parents decided to send me to a school in Paris, much to Tikki's reluctance.

I found an apartment near Françoise Dupont High School, keeping its address a secret from everyone except Tikki and Plagg. While attending school, I maintained the persona of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, a seemingly normal and talented girl with a knack for art. Little did they know, I am also MDC, the famous fashion designer who caters exclusively to the elite. Even the most famous faces have to wait for my commissions and appointments. Only my parents and Jagged Stone, who is like an uncle to me, know the truth about my identity. They don't need appointments or commissions; all they have to do is ask, and I will oblige. I would give my life or make any sacrifice for them without hesitation. They know this, and as a result, they think carefully before approaching me and rarely joke, always emphasizing when they do.

As for Ladybug, my other half, she only has the earrings and lacks a Kwami companion. Thus, I am alone in my superhero duties. Though I may have friends, I keep myself emotionally distant from them. In my class, they are merely good classmates, and I am not connected to anyone. Love and fate are not of interest to me, as my training has taught me not to let emotions cloud my judgment. Trusting or relying on anyone only leads to loss and vulnerability. My dream is to excel and be the best in everything I do, to remain at the top in the entire universe. Second place is a reminder of failure.

Everything was going relatively well for me. Ladybug was growing stronger against Hawk Moth, I had a good rapport with my classmates, MDC was rising to the top of the fashion industry, Agent Red Bug was successfully completing weekly missions, and NETTI, my alter ego as a singer, was gaining recognition and accolades. These achievements were solely the result of my own efforts, without any external assistance. Life seemed to be on an upward trajectory.

But then, a person named Lila Rossi entered my life, or rather, she brought chaos and deception. She began spreading lies, claiming she knew NETTI, Ladybug, and MDC, and was a close friend to all of us. Initially, I brushed off her falsehoods, but everything changed when she started lying about my loved ones. She claimed to have saved Jagged Stone's cat, a ludicrous statement considering he is allergic to cats and owns a pet crocodile. I confronted her, and from that moment, I became her sole target. She threatened to steal everything I held dear—my friends, my parents, everything. Lila accused me of stealing, bullying her, and even attempted murder.

In reality, she was the one doing all of those things and much more. Lila targeted Alya first, followed by my classmates, and eventually my dear friend, Adrien. Lila believed Adrien was her crush and went to great lengths to convince him that he reciprocated her feelings. She accused me of trying to steal him away from her. Adrien, however, saw through Lila's lies but he sided with her, he told me to take higher roads. 

In the end, I found myself alone again, except for Chloe, who had gone through her own struggles after being bullied by Lila. Chloe had scars from fights and even attempted suicide once. I comforted her and stood by her side, though our relationship remained distant due to our respective emotional walls. We were more like rivals than close friends, but I never let my emotions show. The burden of my secret life and the constant bullying made it difficult for me to sleep, even with a mug of coffee providing me with the strength to endure.

Lila's presence only fueled an increase in akumatizations and strengthened Hawk Moth with negative emotions. Ladybug became more vulnerable, despite her growing power. While her suit and lucky charm concealed my scars and protected me from severe injuries, they couldn't shield me completely. As NETTI, I wrote and sang melancholic songs that resonated with listeners, earning me a reputation as a singer with emotional depth. MDC, in response, incorporated dark and black designs into her creations, leading to critical acclaim. Despite the success, true fashion designers sensed the darkness behind my work, and they reached out to express concern for my well-being. However, I couldn't afford to take care of myself. My time was consumed by multiple secret lives, leaving little room for self-care.

Agent Red Bug, in particular, was a cause for worry. While I excelled on missions and in training, my growing anger and ruthless tactics concerned my loved ones. Even a fraction of my strength could render someone unconscious with a single punch during sparring. Lack of sleep exacerbated these issues, as I only managed to sleep for a total of 4 hours a week. Lila's lies persisted, claiming she helped all of us, including me, in our endeavors. Furthermore, she accused others of bullying and spread her web of deception even wider.

In response, I adopted the role of a gangster, merging my inherent goodness with the dark persona I had cultivated. I became a top underworld figure, exacting vengeance on the wicked, corrupting their lives, and ensuring their imprisonment. I became known as Nocivo, which translates to "harmful" in English. The meaning behind my name will become clear later in the story. Although my teammates—Chloe (Perra), Max (Genio), Alix (Deportiva), and Luka (Payaso)—know nothing about my true identity, they are aware of my reputation as a fearsome and savage fighter, as well as a tech genius. They also know I can eliminate Lila without difficulty, almost effortlessly. However, they wonder why I haven't taken action, though they are too afraid to ask. They have unwavering faith in me and are fiercely loyal. They see me as a god or boss, and I mean everything to them.

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