23| 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒍𝒍

Start from the beginning

"Can you wait a year, at least a couple of months?" I asked my hard-headed best friend very seriously.

Kameron stretched out his arms and slowly shook his head. "Yes I could wait, but what will be the point? We are in love. My parents were together for three weeks before they got married, and look how they turned out." Kameron responded, full of optimism.

I rolled my eyes. I took my phone out of my pocket, expecting to hear back from Josh. There was nothing.

"How is Stassie doing?" Kameron asked me. "Tessa told me about her dad. Is she okay?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "She will be okay. That girl is stronger than all of us combined." I said as I took out my carton of cigarettes out of my pocket.

"Looks like you picked your smoking habit back up." Kameron eyed me as I placed a cigarette to my lips.

I'm not quitting. I tried, but the mind-numbing headaches and the cravings I get are not worth it.

"Have you talked to Stassie since her leave of absence?" Kameron asked casually.

I turned my head and looked out the window. I've talked to Stassie every day since she's been gone. I haven't told Kameron about the weird shift my friendship with Stassie has taken. I don't even know how to bring up the conversation. In Kameron's perception, he thinks I still hate her, and I have to just tolerate her. The last couple of weeks here has made me see a new side of Stassie. She's still a lying sociopath, but she has layers to her.

"Tessa and I were thinking we should surprise Stassie with a trip out to the keys. We can rent out a beach house and get her in better spirits. Do you think she would like that?"

"Yeah, it sounds good." I nodded my head.

Kameron squinted his eyes at me. He knows me better than I know myself sometimes. He caught my sudden change. Although it was subtle, he caught me.

Oh no!

"What was that?" He gasped before rushing over to me.

I could read the stunned expression on his face. I straighten my posture, and I remained calm. At least, I attempted to remain calm.

"What was what?" I played it off as cool as I possibly could.

Kameron placed his hand on my shoulder. "Don't tell me... You and Stassie! Theo, please tell me I'm wrong." He was slightly upset.

How the fuck he figured it out so quickly.

"Look, I can explain..." I said, trying my damn best to formulate a sentence.

"Theo, that's Tessa's best friend for Christ's sake. You and I both know you and Stassie are not going to work out. What in the hell are you doing?"

I twisted my face and glared at him with an apathetic face. I was surprised to see that he had such a strong stance against this. Kameron is the "hopeless romantic" out of us two. I wasn't expecting him to jump up and down for joy, but I was not expecting this reaction.

"Why are you upset about it? We are just hanging out." I said lighting my cigarette.

"Oh come on Theo, let's not act like I don't know you, and we don't know how this will end. You are in this for just the thrill, then you are going to get bored and end it. You did the same thing with Minka, and look what mess you are in now."

I placed my hand on the back of my neck. My relationship with Minka destroyed any credibility I have. Sure I actually really like Stassie, but I don't put much blame on Kameron on his views. I've been reckless, and I take accountability for that.

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