Chapter 148: Our Intimate Moments

Start from the beginning

D-did they hear him correctly?! Their emotionless and ruthlessly cold Boss not only used an affectionate voice, warm as the sun on a winter day, but also mention marriage?!

He was married?!

Since when?

Where was the wedding band?

How come they'd never heard of this?

Most importantly, who was the wife? Billions of questions surfaced in their minds, but not a single one was uttered out loud, for they were all too terrified of their Boss' wrath to ask any questions.

A few of the female employees, in the room who stood by the sides to record the notes, exchanged glances.

There was already a Madam Park?

Could it be Kang Seulgi?

Was that why their Boss went on a sudden emergency meeting?

Was it even a meeting at all?

Was it simply the couple eloping off?!

Rosè Yang frowned at his words. There he went again, assuming their relationship when he had barely asked her out! She wanted him to, at the very least, formally ask her out the traditional way, instead of declaring their relationship after just a couple of kisses. But she was too stubborn and prideful to tell him that and was hoping he was smart enough to figure that out himself, with the handful of "friend" hints she kept on dropping. Sure enough, Park Jimin was exactly like her: high IQ, but low EQ...

"Who said we were married?" She argued, clutching her forehead, already knowing another argument might erupt sooner or later.

"We will get married soon, why not acknowledge the status early?"

Married soon?! What kind of delusion was he living in? "We're not even girlfriend or boyfriend! How can you talk about marriage already?" She blurted out, to which Park Jimin's bright mood immediately dropped.

His tender face turned hard as stone, the bliss in his eyes becoming blizzards that swept across the entire meeting room, sending chills down people's spines. He stormed out of the meeting room, his sudden departure startled Kim Namjoon who was waiting outside.

"Boss, what's wrong—" The goosebumps on his arms stood up when his Boss walked past him, a murderous expression on his face as if he was speaking to someone that owed him a lifetime of debt...

"After all of our intimate moments, you see me as a friend?" His voice was destructively calm, not a hint of anger to be discovered.

Rosè Yang knew one wrong word and there would be another temper tantrum. She sighed, her lips tugging into a frown. "Read between the lines and come to me afterward." She said, hanging up the phone before he could say anything else.

Park Jimin scowled. Read between the lines? What the hell was she talking about?! He glowered at the phone as if it had wronged him and without warning, he slammed the phone to the ground, the device instantly shattering upon the harsh impact.

Kim Namjoon sighed, reaching into his briefcase to pull out another ready-to-use phone with all of the previous information from the other ones. "Is something the matter, Boss?" He slowly said the words, carefully treading as if he was on the thin ice, while he handed the new phone to his Boss with two hands.

Park Jimin breathed in through his nose and out of his mouth in an attempt to calm his raging senses. He understood why she hung up. She didn't want to start another fight, especially when they just had one so recently.

Park Jimin, who had no knowledge of relationships or even how they worked, sharply turned to Kim Namjoon with a scowl on his perfectly-sculptured face. "How's your relationship with your wife?"

Kim Namjoon was baffled by the question, his usually composed face went blank in confusion. He rapidly blinked and scratched the back of his head, completely at a loss for words. Huh, that's weird, I just heard Boss ask me about my personal life..."Pardon my incompetence, can you repeat the question?" He wanted to make sure he was hearing it right.

Park Jimin wasn't in the mood to deal with his secretary anymore, and instead, walked down the opposite direction and straight into his office with Kim Namjoon tailing behind him. "Wait, Boss, I thought I misheard it! Don't get mad, I'll speak, I'll speak!" He cried out, following his Boss all the way into the cold and desolate office room, the black furniture perfectly matching with his aloof Boss.

Park Jimin sat down on his office chair, elegantly crossing one leg over the other, his posture giving him the appearance of a King rather than a modern man. "Speak."

Kim Namjoon began to sweat buckets, nervously wiping a handkerchief on his forehead. He was so used to complicated questions, that such a simple one was enough to turn his head into a blank space of nothingness...

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