While Taehyung gracefully turned in his ice form looking beautiful as ever he enchanted them by his beauty before making sharp ice spikes before smiling creepily and throwing it to them making it go through them in an instant making him look more deadlier than ever....

He got on the front looking at some of the lixus trying to go inside the palace noticing that he started chanting something that make him glow blue as blue light shone from his hands which he banged on the floor making a wall of ice between lixus and the palace gate........

He got on the front looking at some of the lixus trying to go inside the palace noticing that he started chanting something that make him glow blue as blue light shone from his hands which he banged on the floor making a wall of ice between lixus ...

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Jungkook looking at some lixus marching towards some children that were of the village people w but were kind off taken hostage for the fight made him piss off he immediately felt heat growing in his body because of anger making his transform.....

He immediately went towards those lixus who were about to grab the children but before they could touch them they were burnt by fire....... while he went towards the kids and shifted them somewhere safer....

He then joined the battlefield using his powers he was also killing many lixus .....he saw some of lixus standing at the back aiming arrows at his beloved people which made him to release a immense amount of fire that wiped off a line of them including the people at the back ............

They all were busy at fighting when they saw Namjoon and Jin joining them as well...they were confused when they listened thier King asking them what they are doing here and about the gem ....to which they explained the situation.... making everyone understand....

But one of the most powerful lixus who have amazing hearing ability listened that as well choose his target which was Namjoon.....it was pretty clear that they had come for the gem ..

After making sure everyone were distracted enough he went towards Namjoon with 10 other lixus he signed them to attack at him at once .....all of the lixus attacked at him to which he was able to take down all of the one in front but one from back hit his head which made him fall onto his knees...

The bigger lixus came and grabbed Namjoon's hair who was clutching his head...he grabbed his jaw harshly and blow some air on his face which made him unconscious...... the lixus smirked wickedly looking at the fainted body and bend down getting the gem.....he started walking back fastly as he commanded more lixus to attack so they can't follow him.......

From afar it was Yoongi who noticed all tgis happening but he was really far that he couldn't even go there in time.......he was getting continuous attack which he doged ....but when he saw the bigger one going back and Namjoon falling he immediately shouted " they got the gem !!!" Listening to him everyone looked at him in shock as all of them also noticed......

Jin immediately went towards Namjoon while Taehyung wanted to go behind the bigger lixus but was trapped with others......he looked at Jungkook who was the same but he saw Jungkook getting down which made him fight more so he can go to help him......

Jungkook who was about to go behind the bigger lixus wanted to defeat the other that he was currently fighting with but they keep getting more and his energy was getting low that he find some hovering over him.....he got covered untill he had enough he screamed a little as he transformed in his air form ....

he got covered untill he had enough he screamed a little as he transformed in his air form

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Taehyung who was watching him from side eyes while fighting widen his eyes looking at his new form ....as it was rare for people to have two powers .....and those white wing made him mesmerized he got so lost that he didn't notice a lixus hitting him from back but was defeated by Jungkook who was now flying......

Jungkook feeling his wings took off attacking every lixus that was hurting his friends in the way to the bigger one....he reached there and landed in front of the bigger one who looked at him in shock... according to him no one with air power was here .....where this fella came from....

He was shocked but attacked immediately which Jungkook doged easily .....they both keep fighting untill Jungkook had enough and released his fire and air power together which had the lixus as he started going to take the gem some lixus blocked his way by attacking...

He saw Taehyung also reaching there and going to take out the gem while he fought with other......while Taehyung who successfully took the gem turned around but was immediately thrown to ground by other lixus who hovered above him....

He looked at Jungkook and signed him who nodded in understanding..... Taehyung throw the gem above and exact time Jungkook also pushed the lixus and took off ...and he catch the gem landing back...

But after a second people saw the gem glowing bright....then brighter and brighter.... they heard a heart clenching scream from Jungkook as a loud boom echoed making everyone frozen........


How was it? Tried my best......do like the fighting sequence the way I wrote or not ? So I can change....

Please tell me about this chapter...so I can know if I did good or not....

Hope you enjoyed....

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