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Achyut's point of view:



I shout and suddenly I felt myself getting back to my consciousness, I examined my hands and legs to see whether I was still tied up in the chains.

Thank God it was just a dream.

A dream caused due to the incidents that happened in recent days...The guilt of unknowingly supporting my father's evil plan these many days.... losing my love to someone else because of the same guilt...

Everything is taking a toll on me.

(But I'll never be like my father at any stage... Because... I don't want to end up like him.. alone..)

I was covered in sweat and was panting still... due to the dream's effect.(Still I feel heavy weight... In my heart)

Not only because of the dream... Yesterday I was too tired to change into shorts that I slept in my formal clothes which had me sweating this much.

My stomach started grumbling which made me remember that my phone was dead without charge that I couldn't call for any food delivery and I slept without eating my dinner.

(Ha.. I wish I could find someone who takes care of me too.. just like how Pallavi took care of that Player Aadvik..)


I got up and took the phone in side table which was charging .

Two missed calls? Five messages?????

"Seems like someone from the hospital has called me for some emergenc-" I was cut off seeing the message from the same unknown number.. the missed call has come from.

@ 10:30pm

# Hi this is Dhruvika 😊

# We have reached safely!

# I called you but your phone was switched off. Hope you too reached home safely.

# This is my number.. please do save it.

@ 11:00pm

# Wait a minute.. You know who is Dhruvika right? I am Pallavi shree's friend.

I looked up from the phone and came face to face with smiling myself in the mirror opposite to the bed.

(Seems like my first patient has texted me)

I chuckled and replied her immediately.

@ 7:30 am.

Me :Hi Dhruvika..

Me: I reached home safely yesterday. My phone switched off due to low power. Will save your number.

Me: And.. I very well remember you.

I typed and pressed send and saved her number.

I kept the phone with a smile playing on my lips and went with some sort of excitement to finish my morning chores.


After getting ready in my formals for hospital. I went and sat in the bed with my phone to check for today's patients appointments.

I opened the list of patients and checked it. I was about switch off when.. Suddenly my mobile pings with notification .

I feel my palms sweating (but I feel the same excitement I felt this morning.)

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