Messing With The Law

Start from the beginning

Jay's pov

I am sitting at my desk going through my case notes, trying to see if I missed anything when I get a phone call. I grab my phone and answer it. "Halstead." "Detective Halstead, this is Officer Bradly Hawkes from the 24th district. I am calling to tell you we have a young girt around the age of 13 or 14 by the name of Caitlin Halstead." He said and I stood up grabbing my stuff I could see confused looks on everyones faces as Officer Hawkes continues, "My partner and I were out patroling this evening when we came across your daughter and her friends buying drugs from a dealer. There were six girls, and four of them had bags on them. We found drugs in all four bags, and the other two girls had them in their pockets." They said, and I was furious. I left without telling anyone where I was going. I walked out to my truck, got in, and started it. "I'm on my way." "Alright I'll see you soon." He says and hung up the phone. I called Hank to tell him why I left, and I explained what the officer told me, and before hanging up, he said he would meet me there.

Caitlin's pov

Officer Hawkes had walked back in and sat in front of me. "Your dad should be here soon." "Ok."I laid my head on the table and closed my eyes as we waited for my dad. A few minutes later, someone came in and told us that my dad was here. Officer Hawkes and Officer Rojas walked out to talk to my dad.

Jay's pov

I walked into the 24th district and saw Hank sitting there. I walked over to him. He looked up at me and said, "I've already told them that we are here. They said they are going to go get Officer Hawkes and Rojas they are the ones that brought them in."I nodded and sat down beside him. A few seconds later, they both came over to us. "I'm officer Bradly Hawkes, and this is my partner officer Rafael Rojas." The older of the two said as they shook our hands. "Detective Jay Halstead, and this is my sergeant, Sergeant Hank Voight." I say, as we shake each of their hands. "If you two would follow me in here, we can talk about what you want to do." Officer Hawkes said as he led us into a small office and sat down at the desk. I sat across from him as he explained more about what had happened. "Alright, seeing as you are both cops we will let you decide what to do with her." Officer Hawkes said. "We'll go get her, and you two can decide what to do with her." Hawkes said, and I nodded. They both stood up and walked out to get her as Hank and I talked.

Caitlin's pov

I was sitting in the same spot with my head laid on the table, waiting for them to come back. I heard the door open, and my head shot up, and I looked at Officer Hawkes and Rojas. "Come with us." Hawkes said as he gestured for me to follow him. I nodded and stood up, following them out of the interrogation room and downstairs. Hawkes opened the door to an office, and I stopped swallowing hard, not wanting to face my father. Rojas noticed I stopped and looked at me, "Come on, kid." He said, and I shook my head. "You're just going to make this worse on yourself." He said, and I sighed, knowing he was right before following him into the office. I kept my head down and knew my dad was glaring at me. "We'll give you a minute to decide what you want to do." Hawkes said as he gestured for Rojas to go out of the room. "Sit down now." I heard my dad say angrily after Officer Hawkes and Rojas leave. I glanced up and saw the angry look on both Hanks and dad's faces and quickly looked down again. "Sit down, Caitlin." Hank said, and I sat down on the floor. "Oh, haha, enough with the sarcasm, get up, and sit in the chair." Dad said in a very sarcastic, angry tone as I stood up and sat in the chair. "What is this?" Hank asked, setting the bag of drugs I had bought. I stared at the table, not saying anything. "Caitlin Halstead, tell me what that is right now." Hank said. "A small back." I said. "Alright, know it all. You want to tell us what's in it?" Dad said, annoyed with my sarcastic tone. I started playing with my bracelets, not saying anything. "You've got two options you either tell us what it is and where you got or you'll be spending a few nights in a holding cell." Hank said, making my eyes widen and look at my dad. "Don't look at me. You brought this on yourself, Cait." Dad said, and I looked at him like he was crazy for going along with this. "I mean, you always said it'd be cool to see the inside of a holding cell, so here's your chance." Dad said with a sarcastic smile, making me roll my eyes. "I don't know what it is, my friends, and I bought it from one of Alice's friends." I say, looking back at the table. "Are you lying to me?" Dad asked, and I looked at him and shook my head. "No, sir." I say, glancing between the both of them. "Give me your phone, you're grounded." Dad said, putting his hand out for my phone. I pass him my phone, knowing that if I argue, he'd take it away for longer than he had planned to. "For how long?" I ask. "Don't know yet. I haven't decided." Dad said, putting my phone in his pocket. "Now your other punishments are that after school, you come straight to the district unless I tell you otherwise understand?" He asked, and I nodded slightly. "You are only allowed your phone when you're at school, and it goes on my desk as soon as you get to the district. You will do your homework when you get there, and once you're done, you'll wait patiently until I get off shift." He said. "That's going to be boring." I say, throwing my head back dramatically. "Oh, don't worry, you'll have plenty to do. I can email your school and have them send home extra credit worksheets, and I'm sure Hank can find you some work you can do." "Yeah there's always some files that need to be sorted." Hank said. I sighed and looked at the floor. "Is that it?" "Yep it's either that or you stay in a holding cell for the night. Now come on, we've got a case to work on." Dad said as he stood up and walked towards the door along with Hank. I stood up and slowly followed them out, keeping my head down. We got outside, and dad told Hank we'd meet him at the district before leading me to his truck. "Get in." He said as he opened my door. I climbed into the truck and saw my bag in the backseat and figured dad had gotten it from Alice's house before picking me up. He got in and started the car before starting the drive to the district. Once we arrived, dad led me upstairs, and a few members of intelligence asked what was going on and was shocked to find out what I did, making me feel even worse for doing it. Dad pointed to the break room, silently telling me where to go as he walked towards his desk. I went into the break room and started on my homework. I started with geometry. After a little while of trying to figure it out, I laid my head on the table, frustrated. I decided to go ask my dad for help, so I went out and asked him for help. After I finished all my homework, I lay down on the couch and fell asleep. I woke up for a second when my dad put a blanket over me before going back to sleep.

I am so sorry to the person who requested that It took so long to post. I've had serious writers block, and I've not had much motivation to write. I have some ideas in mind that hopefully I should have out soon, but I'm not sure. Thank you to the person who requested this for your request as well as your patients it really means a lot. :)

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