☆ Even Flow ☆

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"It don't matter how we make it 'cause it always ends the same"

You Could Be Mine

It was about a week after the show, and things had been going... unusually well for the SUG4RPOP girls.

They'd played covers of songs at the Vieux Carre almost every night this week. They were planning on checking out recording studios this week, since their landlord was starting to complain about the noise.

Because of this the girls had decided to take up jobs, or in some cases, second jobs in order to get ahead with their bills. Byeol had continued her job at the vacation booking agency, but was also working part time as a receptionist at a hotel. Kaguya picked up more shifts at her engineering firm, Kaen took on more hours in her acounting department, and Lily found two jobs, one as a waitress a job at a nearby bar and one as a clerk in a clothes shop.

In truth, it was becoming exceedingly difficult to find time to practice or compose any material. Outside of their shows, they only had maybe an hour or two a day to rehearse? Byeol was starting to feel it. She wasn't doing as well at her shows, none of them were. They were getting run ragged.

Today, as Byeol was rushing back to the apartment on her lunch break to get in a bit of practicing, she began to wonder how much more of this they could take.

For now, though, she had bigger things to worry about. It was almost time for rehearsal, and she couldn't afford to be late. Lisa was stressed out enough as it was.

Byeol jogged down the building's hallway, digging through her purse in search of her phone and simultaneously pulling off her sweater.

As she pulled her sweater up over her head, she felt her shoulder slam into something firm. She reeled back, struggling to untangle herself from her net of cashmere.

"Ow, shit!" Byeol swore as her head was finally freed from her shirt.

She felt a hand pat her upper arm carefully, and she jumped. Oh crap, did I hit a living person-

"You okay?" It was a young man's voice, thick with worry and a heavy Northern British accent.

Byeol glanced at him, straightening up when she noticed that the boy was actually pretty cute. "Oh um, yeah, I'm all good! How about you? Did I hurt you or anything?"

He shook his head and ran a hand through his messy, honey-blond hair. "Nah, I'm fine. Don't sweat it, miss!"

Byeol stuck out her hand, flashing him a warm smile.

"Sorry again for bumping into you. I'm Byeol, by the way."

The young man shook her hand.

"Xander. You sure you're good, miss Byeol?"

Byeol nodded with a small laugh. "Yeah, I'm sure!" She glanced up at him, blinking as she thought to herself.

"Um, sorry if this is weird, but have we met? I feel like I recognize you from somewhere."

Xander shook his head. "Can't say we have..." He mused. "I do live here, though. That might be it?"

"Yeah, probably," she didn't feel like that was quite it...

"Anyway, I gotta go. My bandmates are waiting for me outside," he gave her a cheeky smile and a wave, turning away from her.

Byeol waved back as she started walking to the apartment.

She mused over the meeting as she trudged across the threadbare carpeting. "Band..." She mumbled.

Her eyes widened as realization hit her. "I've gotta tell the girls-"

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