☆ Tramps Like Us ☆

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"A one way ticket, only one way to go"

Jukebox Hero

By the time Byeol got the bus stop closest to the dorms, it was after 12, dark, and cold as she followed the directions on Lisa's business card.

She ended up in a shady little cornor of the city, in front of a crappy old apartment building that looked like it had at one point been an office of some kind. Maybe in the 70s.

"I guess this is the place..." She carefully walked up the cracked steps and into the lobby.

The lobby was dingy, and the lights flickered as Byeol walked across the colorful yet threadbare carpeting, up to the front desk.

An older man sat behind the front desk, smoking a cigarette and reading a magazine with a girl on the cover.

"What do you want?" He asked, not looking up from his magazine.

"Um, I'm looking for room 2006?"

"Second floor, to the right."

Byeol thanked him and turned for the elevator.

"Gotta take the stairs. It's broken." The man said.

She sighed and turned for the stairs. She walked up the dismal, poorly lit stairway, feeling a bit skeeved out. There were spiders webs and cracks covering the gray drywall.

Byeol physically cringed the further into the building she went.

Oh God, I really hope I don't get assaulted here or something...

Byeol felt major relief wash over her when she finally found the right door. Inside, she heard the sound of women's voices talking loudly, or rather, arguing.

Byeol blinked, raising a hand to knock on the door. As soon as she did, the arguing inside the room came to an abrupt halt.

The door suddenly swung open, and Kaen wrapped her in a tight hug. She squealed as Byeol stumbled under the weight of the young woman.

"Oh my gosh, you're here!" She tugged on Byeol's arm, dragging her into the apartment.

The apartment itself, surprisingly, wasn't too grody inside. It was obviously decorated very lovingly, with lots of throws and pillows and fairy lights. The cheerful colors really did a good job brightening the place up, and the heavy smell of perfume and hairspray masked the scent of mildew that emanated from the whole building.

If you could look beyond some cracked drywall and squeaky hinges, which Byeol could, it looked downright comfy.

Inside the room, Byeol could see Lisa sitting on the sofa next to another woman around their manager's age with colorful hair.

Byeol was surprised to see Lilliana standing in the kitchenette.

"Everyone, say hello to our lead guitarist, Byeom Sejeong!" Kaen cried.

"Byeol Seong," Byeol corrected, smiling at the other women in the room. "Easy mistake. Happens all the time. Nice to meet you guys, though!"

Lisa gave a bored wave as she crossed her long legs. "I'm glad to see you took up the offer, Seong. I think you'll go far here."

The other woman nodded at Byeol, pushing her round glasses up her nose. "Hey. The name's Kaguya. Bassist."

Lilliana walked over, smiling. "I'm glad you decided to join...!" She held her arms out nervously, and Byeol gladly hugged her.

Byeol pulled away and turned to Kaen. "So, is this everyone? Or are there more? You know, managers and stuff?"

"Nope! This is everyone! Our motley little family's all here!"

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