"Look man. I don't got time to discuss Paris right now." He said wiping some of the sweat off him, but it just kept coming. "Okay man, then why are you here? If we ain't talking about Paris, then ain't no need to talk. I'm on the mission to get her out." I said leaning back in the couch.

"If Chresanto find's out I helped her that's my ass." He said and I shrugged my shoulders not giving a damn."I got a question fam? How did you even reunite with Chresanto anyway? That nigga threaten to kill you so many times." I asked.

"Look, a while back. I was in need of money to pay off some bills in my apartment. And Chresanto was the only person I knew that was making fast money, so after he got out the coma, his cousin called me up and told me Chresanto was just faking the whole thing, so he could take Paris. At first I wasn't cool with it, so I told him nevermind. But when I saw Paris come over to the apartment that day asking if it was cool if Deja would go on a date with her brother Daniel, I kind of went back to Chresanto and told him I was down with everything. I wanted to bring Paris down for setting up my girl with another nigga." He said as he ran out of breath.

"And now you want me to help you? After you and Chresanto almost killed me?" I asked lifting a brow. I wasn't going to help him if he paid me a million bucks.

"It's all I'm asking of you man, just hear me out?" He asked and I nodded lying, so he could leave. "Alright man. I got you just get the fuck out of my house." I lied and he dapped me up and headed out of the door.

Deja P.O.V

"Stop it Daniel." I chuckled as he gave me hickeys on my neck. He had came over after school just to spend time with me and I was loving it. "Stop playing, you know you like it." He said lifting himself off of me as I began to smile.

"You alright?" I asked him as I saw his facial expression changed. "Just thinking about Paris." He said and I sighed.

"She's alright." I said sticking my fingers in his head full of hair.

"And just how do you know Deja? She could be dead for all I know." He said pushing me off him and standing up. "Because I was with her!" I shouted getting upset by the way he talking about her.

"What do you mean you was with her?" He asked and I gulped knowing I made a big mistake by bringing that up. "Look the person who took Paris had a friend who took me, but the friend told me that he was going to help her out too, so I know she's okay." I said referring to Lucas and Chresanto.

"Who's the person and whose the friend?" Daniel said mocking me, but in an angered voice. "I don't know them, they never revealed themselves." I lied.

"Well you can come to the police station with me and explain to the officers how they look!" He said getting excited about this, but I wasn't because If I left this apartment I knew I was going to be found and Chresanto would look for me and kill me, because It happened before.

"I can't leave here Daniel." I said as his smirk turned into a frown. "Why not?" He asked. "He'll kill me, If I tell."

"Then describe to me how he looks and I'll just go up there myself." He said and I just stared at him contemplating whether I should do this or not.

Escape (Chresanto August & Bahja )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن