"Is there actually a party? I love you Blakey-Boy, but you didn't actually win that game," my girlfriend said giving me an awkward smile.

I gapped at her. "Ouch," I said, but laughed at her grimace.

My Pumpkin raised her hands beside her defensively. "Hey, I wasn't the one on the field, you were."

"Double ouch," I said, laughing again. "But yeah, we do have a party. It's our last home game after all."

"That's going to be a weird party."

And weird it indeed was. 

After washing up and going to gorge ourselves at our usual Italian place, we all met up at Jessica house, one of cheerleaders.

But everyone was a being a little too emotional.

At one point, Trevor got up on one of the tables, raising his a red cup in the air. "To out last home game. We always knew we weren't going to win the championship."

"Dude, shut the fuck up, we still have another game to play, and we're getting in the first rounds of finals," Connor yelled back at him.

"Come on. Let's be realistic here. We know what's going to happen. Come on," Trevor replied.

"Booooooo!" Someone screamed from afar.

"If you had done a better defensive job than maybe we would have had a fucking chance," Davis yelled at him.

"What did you just say to me?" Trevor yelled back in consternation.

"OUR DEFENSE SUCKS!" Davis repeated.



"Ohmygod this party is a mess," Lexi laughed beside me.

At one point, me and Lexi just sat on one of the couches with our drinks and just laughed at the screaming match happening between the guys.

So much for brotherhood.

It was quite hilarious.

But it was also making me sad. Because this made it feel more and more like the end of an era. And era I wasn't exactly ready to let go just yet.

I didn't stay too late at the party. I wanted to be able to wake up for breakfast with my family the next morning.

Lexi had plans with her family in the morning, so I reluctantly dropped her off at her house, after a lot of complaining, and some kissing in the car.

And so the next morning, at eleven sharp, I was sitting at the dinning room table with a full English breakfast in front of me, something I hadn't eaten in a while, to the great joy of my mother.

I didn't particularly like the beans in there, but kept that to myself.

"Thank you for coming to my game yesterday, it meant a lot to me," I told my parents again and Josh.

"Shhhhhhh, inside voice," Josh whispered, eyes closed, face almost falling into his plate.

"You know you could have stayed home, right?" my mother pointed out with a smile.

"Also, I'm the one who went to a party yesterday, not you," I remarked.

Josh gave me a nasty glare, that was just amusing to me. "What makes you think I did not have a party of my own? I am a single man of legal age and nothing but time on his hands. I could have gone to a bar."

I wondered if he had gone out. Something had been going on between him and Daphnee after all, before I learned about his feelings for my brother. Maybe he had met up with her too. He might have seen her at the game.

"What Thai drama did you end up watching?" my mother asked him, completely ignoring his little rant.

"You still watch those?" my father asked, looking at him with curiosity.

Josh let out an exasperated sigh and explained, "If I don't, I'm going to forget how to speak Thai."

When Josh was in high school, he was in an exchange program and went to study on year in Thailand with a host family. That was how he learned to speak Thai.

Josh had never truly felt at home in his house, with his father, and had searched around for a place that would feel as such.

I understood that feeling. Of never feeling quite at home.

But as I looked around the table at my family and Josh joking around together, I realized for the first time that this house, it did feel like home. I had never let myself see this before, because this was space Jayden had never inhabited, so it wasn't a place where I wanted to allow myself to feel like home.

But I did. Regardless of my issues with my parents, I knew I would get over it eventually.

This house felt like home.

Maybe I was truly beginning to heal.


Very late happy Monday my little Pumpkins! XD

Still Monday here! Sorry, this weekend was a mess, I went back home for my niece's birthday and I was running around with toddlers all weekend long and I am deaaaaaad. I'm getting too old for this. XD And I have to work on Mondays during the whole month of June. Which I kind of hate. It messes up with my usual schedule.

So yeah. I juuuust managed to sit in front of my computer and finish editing this chapter. Ugh. 

So yeah, sorry again.

This weekend I don't have any plans, so I should be able to upload on Sunday evening as usual. 

Alright. I got some more writing to do, so I'm gonna go now.

Byyyyyyye! Love you all! Thanks for being patient! <3

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