Chapter 44

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Lexi was lying on my couch all cozy, reading one of my books, while wearing one of my t-shirts, her hair a little damp from her shower.

I liked how homely this felt way too much.

She was reading Catcher in the Rye. She had never read it before and I'd annoyed her about it. I was glad to see my nagging had not been for nothing.

She looked up from her book when she heard me come in and automatically smiled at the gift in my hands.

She should not be smiling.

Sure, I also had no idea what was in it, but this was a present from Josh. We should all be very worried right now.

Josh never bought normal presents. He only bought the kind of present you had to hide from everyone standing around you.

"Is this for me?" she asked, still grinning.

"Yes, but, I have to warn you beforehand, this present is from Josh and I have no idea what so ever on the content of the box. I mean it could literally be anything. It could eat your face off for all we know," I tried to warned her as I made my way to her.

Lexi absolutely did not seem the right amount of worried as she got up, discarding her book, and walking up to me. "I'm torn between dying with curiosity to know what is inside and fear of losing my face."

"It's a dangerous world," I stated, before stealing a quick kiss from her.

"Especially when Josh is in it," she agreed, shaking her head a bit, amused. She should really be more worried. But instead, she reached forward for the box "Alright, give it to me."

I refrained from making a joke out of that comment, because Josh's presents were a dangerously serious matter.

"Are you sure," I asked her, not giving her the box. She could still change her mind. She could resist the appeal of a gift-wrapped box.

"Yep. Go ahead."

I let out a dramatic sigh. "Alright," I said and handed her the box

Lexi grabbed it and practically skipped back to the couch, sitting down to open it.

I sat down beside her, looking at the box with a lot more reticence than my girlfriend.

And to make matters worse, Lexi wasn't opening right away. She was just playing around with it, shaking it, and weighting it, probably trying to guess what was in there.

She could never guess what was in the box. I also had no idea what her present was, but I could say without a doubt that neither of us would have ever thought about buying it.

Josh didn't buy normal presents.

My Pumpkin suddenly took a deep breath, bracing herself. "Well, here we go."

She tore the gift wrap pretty easily to reveal a box with La parfait femme de ménage written on it.

Ah fuck.

I was going to kill Josh.

I might like, thank him a bit, but then I was definitely going to kill him.

I hid my face in my palms, not actually wanting to see what was in there.

It would be very Josh-like to put something completely different inside the box just to torture me.

It was very like him to actually get what the box was implying too.

Either way.

I was going to kill him.

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