Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

"So, how are things going Blake?" Doctor Boseman asked me, as he walked into his office.

I was already sitting in m usual chair, waiting for him patiently.

Lexi had offered to come with me to the appointment and wait for me in the waiting room, but I had told her I could go on my own.

The thing was, I was thinking about Lexi meeting Doctor Boseman, and I wasn't sure how that would go, or if it was something I should actually think about doing.

I was pretty sure it would actually be good for Lexi to see a therapist herself, just to help with dealing with her mother leaving. I knew it still affected her a lot.

Actually, I thought everyone should probably see a therapist, mind it one that worked for them the way Doctor Boseman worked for me.

We all needed a voice of reason sometimes. I was just finally figuring this out.

"Good, things are good," I replied, nodding, still a little bit too much in my head.

He noticed. "Something is on your mind?"

"Should I bring Lexi for our next session?" I worked up the courage to ask.

Doctor Boseman smiled. "Do you need couple counselling? Because that's not exactly my domain. I can refer you to a colleague of mine if you need it."

I shook my head, smiling too. "No, it's more in terms of helping Lexi kind of understanding what I'm going through. Also, I think it would help her feel like she's more part of my life when I include her in all aspects of it."

Doctor Boseman looked at me, like he was analyzing me. It was a little odd. "She could definitely come at our next meeting, so we can have a discussion. But it's also okay if you two are not too dependent on each other, especially when it comes to mental health issues. I don't want her to start thinking that all the progress you've done is a hundred percent on her. Not because I don't want her to know she helped, but mostly because I don't want her to shoulder that kind of responsibility. I don't want her to think that without her you can't figure things out."

I nodded. That made sense. "You can tell her this."

He chuckled. "I can tell her this," he repeated, "It'll make you feel more reassured?"


"Alright. Anything else you want to talk about today?"

I shrugged. Things were pretty good now. "Nothing in particular."

"Are the pills still affecting you?"

I frowned. It did feel different. But I still did not feel a hundred percent like my normal self. "A little I guess..."

Doctor Boseman took a deep breath, like he was bracing himself for what he was about to say. "There is something I wanted to talk to you about. In terms of your sexual drive and the pills if that's okay with you?"

I wasn't exactly sure where he was going with this. He seemed to me looking at me carefully, so I was curious now. I was pretty confident we'd gone over all the more serious stuff already, so I didn't know what could make him look at me carefully like this. "Yeah, sure."

"Have you ever thought that maybe any issues you might be having with getting intimate with your girlfriend right now could be coming from something else than your medication?" he asked me, sounding like he was picking his words very carefully.

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