Can i try it momma?

34 1 0

Thursday August eight 2021

Carina can take her boot off during the night, and she is even allowed to put her ice poutch on it, for fifteen minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening. She still has to elevate her foot , she's doing good, for it being the seventh day .

3h37 am
** Londyn was crying in her sleep **
Carina: shhhhhhhh , Londyn , it's okay, what's wrong?
Londyn : i had bad dream... I want momma milk please
Carina: alright, come here I will cuddle with you until you fall back asleep,

**Carina breastfed her daughter and both fell asleep**

9h38 am
Lorenzo: wait , where is your cast momma?
Carina: I uhhh , got it taken off late last night and got a boot instead.

Chloe: ohh coool , but why ?
Carina: because it was itchy , and uncomfortable, and I can even take it off when I sleep.
Violet: that's good that you can take it off when you sleep!
Lorenzo: momma,
Carina: yea bambino? What's up?
Lorenzo: this might be a weird question but what does breast milk taste like?
Carina: it's not a weird question, it uh taste like super sweet... at least it used to.. when the babies are newborn every pregnant woman's breast milk taste super sweet, that's because it has what we call "Colostrum " not like our regular milk
Lorenzo: so it's different than oat milk, cow milk?
Carina: yea, it's hard to explain.... I uhhh ...
Lorenzo: ohhh okay, ummm
Carina: would you like to try some?
Lorenzo: yes , if it's okay with you of course, I never had the chance to taste your breasts milk when I was younger...
Carina: yea I know, here's what I'll do, I'll pump it out and give it to you in a glass, but don't feel bad if you don't like it, I won't be offended by that, okaay ,
Lorenzo: ohhh okay, im glad you won't be offended by this! I'll go get your breast pump and a glass
Carina: thank youuu bambino! My pump is upstairs in the spare office,  Just bring the pumps and it's container it's attached to it!
Maya: I will come show you what to bring down !
Lorenzo: oh that's a better idea thank you mommy!

** Maya and Lorenzo went to get Carina's breast pump and came back downstairs, Maya plugged it in, and it slowly begins to work. By that time Londyn had finished being breastfed and had gone to play with her siblings **

Lorenzo: so um does it still tastes like colostrum momma.?
Carina: uhhh unfortunately no.  It's the very first form of breastmilk that is released by my breasts after giving birth. It's nutrient-dense and high in antibodies and antioxidants to build a newborn baby's immune system. It changes to breast milk within two to four days after your baby is born.

Maya: yea but it might taste like regular milk now with a little touch of sweetness..
Carina; yea, okay , will that be enough for you to try it bambino ?
Lorenzo: uh yea ,
Carina: okay here you go ,  babe, can you unplug my breast pump machine please !
** She handed it to her son**
It's totally fine if you don't like it bambino, I won't be upset with you
Maya; yes of course, I'll even go put it back upstairs.
Carina: okay thank you, put the rest of the bottles in the freezer after,
Lorenzo: have you ever tried it momma ?
Carina: oh no I haven't actually.
Maya: I did , it's really not that bad
Lorenzo: hrmmmm . You are absolutely right mommy, it's like if you had put a tiny bit of pancake syrup in the milk.
Carina. Wait really? Let me try !
Lorenzo: here ** he handed it back to his momma **
Carina: hrmmm . It's uh not what I was expecting it to taste like, but it's not terrible. I wish I had tasted it when she was a day old so I would of had tasted it with the colostrum. But it's fine. I'm glad I tried it.

Lorenzo: why do babies love breast milk if it's tastes like that?
Carina: that's because when the moms are pregnant, they get the milk ready for when the babies are born and I don't really have an answer as to why babies love breast milk so much!
Maya: yea I don't know either!
**Everyone played outside for two hours! Maya gave Carina back and shoulders massage, it's been hurting her for two days now **

Carina: yikes it's almost ten pm , GUYYYYYSSSS , it's waaaayyyyyy past everyone's bedtime, come inside and take a quick shower please

**Maya is cleaning up the toys and putting them in the playroom **

Violet: awnnn , five more minutes momma please
Carina: nahhh imuhhhb, it's been more then five minutes, you had A WHOLE SIXTY MINUTES MORE ! Everyone was supposed to go to bed at NINE, but I fell asleep while mommy was giving me a back massage and I just woke up , please come inside, you are the only one left outside
Violet: awnnn , i dont want to
Carina: okay, I will ask you NICELY ONE MORE TIME , and then ——
Violet: hrmmm , no thank you
Carina: DONT MAKE ME USE YOUR FULL NAME BAMBINA PLEASE ! I dont have the energy to discipline you this late
Maya: babe , are you coming?
Carina: yea once this little defiant one of ours , comes inside—- okay ENOUGH!


** This time Violet DIDNT argue anymore, she sprinted up in the shower and went straight to bed , she knew she was in big trouble, Carina and Maya RARELY CALLED THEIR CHILDREN BY THEIR FULL name, only when they were in biiiiiiiiig trouble! **


**Violet quietly tipped toed inside her moms room, Carina was breastfeeding Londyn , Maya was reading a book, every one else was already asleep **

Violet : im sorry momma,
Carina: me too Bambina, why did you not listen to me the first three times?
Violet: because I was enjoying myself on the swing , and we didn't even start school yet momma
Carina: yea I know, but we still have to get some rest every night, school or no school, I gave you sixty whole minutes more , unintentionally, because my shoulders and back is killing me and I need you all to listen to me , and mommy too okay !
Violet : I understand, please forgive me momma
Carina: of course I forgive you!
Violet: thank you, do you still love me?
Carina: hessss , of course I still love you, you're my little flower, I will—- we will always love you even though we discipline you guys, okay, please don't ever forget that.
Violet: ohhh okay, That's good to know, you will always love us , even when you are mad at us
Maya: I will too ! It's getting pretty late now ,
Carina: siiiii, please please be in a good mood tomorrow
Violet: I will ! If not I'll go nap in my room, good night momma, good night mommy, good night Londyn ! Mouahhhhh ! Sweet dreams to you three , I love you all sooooo much,
Carina and Maya: good night Violet !
We love you too,
Sweet dreams!

Carina: ouuuhhh I am exhausted, would you mind putting Londyn back in her bed please? She fell asleep on my breast, again, ayyyyyyeeeee ayeeeeeee
Maya: okay, of course I will, ouhhhhh come here my little princess, she's so funny when she sleeps with one arm in the air .
Carina. Yes she's really funny, Scarlett used to do this too when she was a little little newborn baby,
Maya: yea I remember that,

** Two minutes later Maya came back to their room, and Carina was already asleep, she was so exhausted, her back and her shoulders were hurting sooooo bad. Carina has trouble sleeping well because of her back and shoulders hurting this bad. Maya fell asleep soon after**

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