Momma we have a surprise for you

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Monday October 29 th

**Maya got up early with Londyn , she knew that Carina wasn't sleeping well these past few days, she was supposed to have an appointment with her amazing therapist Stefania, but she's on vacation for two months, so she'll only be available during Christmas break , for Carina it's not extremely ideal , regarding the circumstances, she's been stressed out about her company, and with the burial of her beloved Juliette , they had to buy a doll ( not a reborn doll , just a regular doll who is actually named JULIETTE! ) and they are going to have a burial ceremony TODAY, every one of their friends and family came to support their grieving friends, Maya is going to give Carina her reborn doll when they get back home from the cemetery **

Everyone is up and ready,

Carina: babe, I don't want to go ... and burry the doll , it's not going to be the same
Maya: yea I know , but we only have this option babe, and plus yesterday you were upset about the weather being yucky , and now it's a beautiful day outside!
Carina: I know, but if we go , it's going to be real, like she's actually buried ! And I .... ** she started crying**
Maya: shhhhhhh , everything is going to be fine babe,
Carina: I know! It's necessary to do it, she deserves this, JULIETTE DESERVES THIS, so I'm going to do THIS FOR HER! Only HER !
Maya: that's okay, we do this for Juliette, and babe, I wasn't going to tell you about it until we came back home from the burial ceremony but I decided to tell you now,
Carina: okay, what is it? ** as she gets up from the floor, she was doing her makeup in the closet, with a small mirror **
Maya: the four middle children and I have a surprise for you and we think it's going to help you heal
Carina: okay,
Maya: that's all I'm saying... you're going to find out what it is when we get back home
Carina: okay, I really really really LOVE YOU BAMBINA!! Thank youuu for always being there for me when I need you the most!
Maya: well, I love you too, really really really LOVE YOU TOO! That it hurts me too, that's how much I love you
Carina: me too, everyTIME I see you, I get butterflies in my stomach and I keep asking myself HOW IS THIS GORGEOUS SEXY BLONDE WOMAN WITH DEEP BLUE EYES MY WIFE , and the best MOMMY to our CHILDREN? HOW ?
Maya: I keep asking myself that too, every time I look at you , I remember when I was seeing Diane and she helped me get back on track and now we're more THAN HAPPY AND BUBBLY TO BE WITH EACH OTHER AGAIN
CARINA: siiii! THank you again tremendously for admitting that you needed help and REALLY SEEKING HELP! You have no idea how much THAT MEANS TO ME!
Maya : okay, we have go get going babe
Carina: awnnn , I wanted to pull you into me , and have a little bit of naked fun ,
Maya: we can do that after baby! We'll going to be late, the kids are all ready to go, and they are getting impatient ..
Carina: fine ! ** she said with sadness in her voice **

Everyone came back home from the cemetery burial ceremony for little baby Juliette, The ceremony was absolutely beautiful, both wives thanked their friends for coming, Carina felt completely numb therefore she went inside the house and laid on the couch... in the meantime Maya and the four middle children prepare their surprise

Carina: come here Londyn it's time to change your diaper!
Londyn : No momma! I no want to
Carina: ahhhh ahhhh ! Nuhh uhhh ! londy I'm not on the mood ...
Londyn : fine !!!
Carina : thank youuu! I'll give you some breast milk after! How would you like that?
Londyn : ohhhh yayyyy, i loooooove momma's milk
**Carina slightly chuckles**
Yea I know you do ! Come on let's go!
** she fixed her little dress and bow and she went to sit down on the couch and began removing her bra and she had her nursing cover sheet Nearby , she decided to use it even though she was in the comfort of her own home with her children and her wife**

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