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Friday December FIRST 2020

6h38 am

**Carina woke up extremely excited to go to work today, although she's technically still on her extended maternity leave until April, working at her very own clinic with Addison, her good friend, and Maya said she would help her out on her—- she still works for the Seattle police department but she's now being transferred to work with Carina, Hank Voight agreed, to let her go, He hired a new person to take care of the nine one one calls, Hailey Upton , and Stella Kidd , so Maya is now free to work at the clinic with her wife!**

6h47 am
Maya: good morning buddy, it's time to wake up, girls come on let's go, you have school today, and momma and I are going to work at momma's new clinic today so we can't drive you all to school okay
The kids: alright mommmy! We're up

Lorenzo: good morning momma!
Carina: hiii Enzo ! How are you doing today?
Lorenzo: I'm good and you—- stressed huh?
Carina: it's that noticeable huh?
Lorenzo: a little!  Don't be nervous momma , everything is going to be okay, you are a brilliant doctor and your patients are extremely lucky to have you help them bring their children into the world,
Carina: grazie mille bambino,
Chloe: Lorenzo Is right momma, plus you work with fabulous people, Doctor Addison,
Violet: mommy I'm all ready for school,
Maya: excellent! Today we are having eggs and toast, because we have to go open the clinic at 8 h am !
Carina: siii, and it's thirty minutes away, and yes I did it on purpose—— I will—- never mind, plus Kayla is going to be working for me with her friends
Scarlett : Yeahh! And um do we know what she is having momma? A boy or a girl?
Carina: I uhhh ! I dont know yet, but we got to hurry!

**Kayla texted her nurses friends that the clinic was opening today, her eight friends HAPPILY RESPONDED WITH " Can't wait, see you later" ! Kayla is a second year nurse and so are all her eight aspiring obgyn friends! She texted CARINA telling her that everything is going okay and she and her friends were going to show up today! Carina replied with a massive thank youuu and bunch of hearts emoji's **

7h36  am
Carina: okay have a good day at school guys,
Bye we love you so much!
Londyn: I go see my fweinds today right momma?
Carina: that's right. I bet your excited to see them huh?
Londyn : yes i am momma! I ready!
Carina: okay let's go , babeeeeee ! I'm dropping off Londyn at daycare and then I'm heading to work see you later today!
Maya: I'm right behind you babe,
Carina: okay !
Maya: bye bye baby girl! Have a good day at daycare!
** Carina did give Addison a double set of keys so if she gets to work before Carina, which today is the case , the clinic can open at eight am sharp ! **

**One drop off at daycare later, and coincidentally the daycare is very very close to Carina's clinic. Carina got to her clinic at 8h05 am! There was unexpected traffic on her way , kayla and her eight friends were already there with Addison, and Maya was there too**

Maya; okay, so what's the—
Carina: hi everyone, so sorry I'm late , I got stuck behind a massive fifth wheel and then there was construction on the way back from daycare but I'm here,
Maya: hiii, don't worry about it, that's things you can't control, we're going to wait for you ,
Addison: yea don't worry, I'll wait for you , to tell us what to do
Carina: okay, ** she rushed in her office and put her bag and coat on her coat rack and put her purse under her desk , **

Carina: okay, I'm I just want to thank you all for wanting to work with me , I had this dream of mine to open up my own clinic, and as you might know or not, Maya and I have six beautiful children together and I wanted a working environment where I could work on my own schedule and——- WHEN IM NOT IN , DOCTOR ADDISON FORBES MONTGOMERY IS IN CHARGE ... thank you, okay so let me introduce you to our receptionist, We have Tarryn Helm whos a doctor as well, a good one, too ! Excellent I may add ,
Tarryn : hi everyone, it's a pleasure working with you all,
Carina: and Nina , precious Nina ! She's an amazing Ray of sunshine!
Nina : hi everyone! I'm honoured to have been chosen by Carina to work with her,
Carina: grazie mille, and then there's my amazing TALENTED AND BEAUTIFUL NIECE KAYLA!
Kayla: yes, I'm also honoured to work with my aunt Who I also consider as my momma, and her amazing Wife Maya, who took me in when I needed a home. Fast, thank you,
Here are my eight amazing second year obgyn doctors- friends,
Parker Choi, James Powelli, Jayden Torment , Emma Roberts , Thomas Charles , Michelle Bailey, Jessie Lewis, and last but definitely not least Olivia Sky,
Carina: hi , nice to meet everyone,
Michelle: this is going to be such a fun place to work at,
Olivia: right?
Jayden : yes , I can't wait,
Carina: okay so , I did spread out the word about the clinic and so did Addison, and my wife did too
Maya: yes , we should get patients here eventually,
Addison: yes , I'm the meantime I can show everyone around
Carina: okay perfect yes , thank youuu Addison
Addison: No problem!
Carina: okay umm what should we do while we wait for expecting moms to come?
I mean this old medical Center is situated exactly in the middle of two hospitals, one of them is SEATTLE's CHILDREN HOSPITAL AND THE OTHER ONE IS GREYS SLOAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, and who's very close to yet a bit far from Elena Bailey's clinic so they will come here right Maya?
Maya: yes , babe, now is the time the only down time we are going to get , because people are going to be rushing in and out of here, some in active labour, or some women with burning questions, everything is going to be fine!
Carina: okay, come I'll show you my office,

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