When were you going to tell me?

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**One beautiful week in Mexico later,
Alessandro really loved being finally baptized surrounded by his family, and now it's time to go back home! He is officially named Alessandro Mason, ( but that's his now legal middle name ) just like he's older siblings. **

Tuesday November 28 th 2020
**On the plane , back home everyone is occupied by colouring books, iPads , reading books, baby toys for Londyn,**
Maya whispers: have you told , her yet?
Kayla : No I haven't, and the plane really isn't the best place to tell her , I will tell her tonight or tomorrow
Carina: what are you not telling me , Kayla ?
Maya: babe, it's nothing..
Carina: wait , you know what she's not telling me?
Wow, I thought wives who loved each other so much as much as we do, didn't keep anything from one an other, are you CHEATING ON ME? Maya
Maya: babe, no I'm not cheating on you, I wouldn't do that ** she whispered AGAIN**
We will tell you when we get home , I only know because I saw it , when we had the little kids play date at home other than that, I wouldn't have known anything, trust me babe
Carina: hrmmm alright,
Kayla , please tell me it's not what I think it is
Kayla: well it depends, I don't know what you think it is ,
Carina: uhhhh , never mind!

ONE EXHAUSTING PLANE RIDE LATER, everyone is cranky and tired, Carina doesn't know if she wants to know what Kayla is hiding from her, at the moment, she's extremely extremely exhausted.....


Maya: where are you going babe?
Carina : I uhhh , need ... air , I'll help you with putting the kids to bed and after I will give you two one chance to tell me what Kayla is hiding..
Maya and Kayla agreed!

** The kids were extremely exhausted and they didn't argue with the fact that it was bedtime, they did get off the plane a few hours ago.. they all took a cap to get home ! They all took a bath/ shower before leaving Mexico earlier that day**


** her phone shimmied and she got the notifications that SHE IS NOW THE BRAND NEW OWNER OF THE OLD MEDICAL CLINIC that she made an offer on an empty building a few days ago **

Carina: ohhhh my goodness, I just got a text from the seller of the building
Maya: ohhh okay , and what did they say?
Carina: I am now THE NEW OWNER! My offer got accepted!
Maya: ohhhh yayyyy, THATS great News,
Carina : siiii, and I have to go get the keys tonight!
And it's already furnished with medical supplies like hospital beds and ultrasound machines
So you both have five minutes to spill your tea before I leave
Kayla : okay , well umm , I have been working at a private hospital near by , and I'm so in love with Ethan , we recently ummm
Carina: KAYLA , just spill the beans!
Maya: okay babe, I think.. you should go ...
Kayla: No we are telling her now, ** she puts her hands on her chest .... Restraining herself from throwing up**

Okay, so we recently found a regular sized house, with a nice big room, we're going to have it into a playroom... and it's warm and cozy , it's just over the bridge from you guys
Carina: OH , you are moving out of our house?
Kayla: yea , but there's a good reason why!
Carina: okay what's the reason?
Kayla: well... Ethan and I are going to have a baby,
Carina: WHAT? No way?
Maya: woahhh, I DIDNT know that part
Well congratulations,
Carina: congratulations, I'm very happy for you,
Kayla : thank youuu, you don't seem happy
Carina: I'm in shock, I don't think I'm ready for you to move out , I love having you here, and helping me out, ** she randomly got emotional **
the kids also loooooove having youuuuu arounnnnd !
Kayla . Hey it's okay,
Carina: how far along are you?
Kayla: I'm four months ,I've been slowly moving out my stuff into our new house,
Carina: okayyyyyyyy !  WHAT ! FOUR MONTHS! Kayla, so you already have an OBGYN?
** she got sadder and sadder as she said her next sentences **
Kayla : I am forever grateful and thankful for you letting me live with you and your wonderful and beautiful children, it's only fifteen minutes away from your house, I will see you on my days off,
Carina: ohhhhhh kayyyyy,
Kayla: I want to come with you and see your new clinic building!
Carina: wait , really? You absolutely don't have to Kayla, and I'm sorry about my impulsive reaction over the vacation, I didn't know....
Please forgive me, you too babe ! I was anxious about if I was going to get the old clinic... and now that I am the new OWNER, WE , ** she grabs her wife hands and squeeze it**
Maya: well technically you are the OFFICIAL OWNER BABY! but you are FORGIVEN ! ** she kisses her wife **
Carina: okay thank you!
Kayla: yes I forgive you too ! Okay now let's go get those new keys huh!

Who knows maybe you'll get your first co worker sooner than you think!
Carina: okay let's go, see you okay to drive ? Or??
Kayla: I'm fine to , I slept the whole nine hours flight back home unlike you
Carina: okay thank you,  but you didn't answer my question about whether or not, do you have an OBGYN?
Kayla : I do, but she's one of my—- I can...
Carina: oh....
Kayla: you can. Be mine if you want to
Carina: ohhhhh yayyyyy ! I'd love to yes, okay so do you know what you are having?
Kayla : okay, umm no we were going to find out next week or so,
Carina: ouhhh , exciting, umm well I would have you come over to the clinic but it's still dusty, and dust isn't good for the baby, so umm why don't you come over to the house with Ethan and i'll do it at home?
Kayla : excellent!

** Thirty minutes later Carina and Kayla both received the keys to their new working place, Carina doesn't know it yet but Kayla and a few of her friends are going to want to work at Carina's new clinic **

**Thirty minutes later
Carina is now driving to let her niece sleep! She's bringing her to their house, since it's almost midnight **

Carina: wait what did you mean earlier I might get my first coworker sooner than I think?
Kayla: because I want to work for and with You, if you want me to of course,
Carina: ohhhh my goodness, OF COURSE I WANT TO!! But do you absolutely have to move out? I mean KayKay , we live in a huge mansion, and we don't use half of the house, I'd prefer to have you live in the other half of the house... I'd be less worried about you and your little growing family!
Kayla : but.... we already signed in on the house,
Carina : ohhhh okay i understand, thank youuu so much for accepting my apology, ... I love Ethan he's nice and gentle with you, I'm really really happy for you!
Kayla : thank you, let's go to sleep now huh!
Carina: siiii ! I have to get everything ready for the grand opening of the clinic...
Kayla: okay,wait we are not going to be opening like tomorrow or after tomorrow right?
Carina: ohhh kayla dont be silly, we still have to do a bunch of renovations first, but we'll put up a sign up in front of the clinic, post it everywhere on your social media
Kayla: perfect thank you, oh and is it fine if some of my friends come work with us !
Carina: sure , the more the merrier , ohhh i should ask Addison if she wants to come work with me too

** she quickly texted Addison, and she obviously agreed ! **

Carina; Ouhhh yay , Addison agreed , sweet!!
Kayla : alright, good night Carina! Thank you for everything,
Carina: good night Kayla , you are more than welcome, I love you so much and I always will, be there for you , no matter what,
Kayla: siii I know , grazieeee mille !

** Carina gently came upstairs and she slid right into the covers and she whispers to Maya that she and Kayla were both back home safely. Maya acknowledged her wife with a kiss and a good night**

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