It really really hurts 🦵😬

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One  month later
Wednesday August 1 st 2021 ,

**Lorenzo is now fourteen years old,and Londyn is now two years old, let the TERRIBLE TWO'S BEGIN ! Carina can't believe that her last baby girl ever is now TWO YEARS OLD, she's growing up to become a beautiful caring , gentle and sweet little girl, she always has to know what is going on in the house, she's a mini boss, if she doesn't like something she will tell you. **

Maya and Carina both have a day off and they are going to have a wonderful day at the water park, the kids are all excited to go,

8h48 am
Maya: come on babe, we are all ready to go,
Carina: I'm coming.... I need my sunscreen...
** as she is coming down the stairs , she almost slips on a toy airplane... **

Alessandro, can youuu please pick up your toys , I almost tripped over it
Alessandro: Yess momma, I'm sorry.
** he ran back in the house and immediately picked it up and started crying. Alessandro got in his seat and looked down **

Alessandro: why do you got to be so mean momma? I didn't do it on purpose, plus it was at the very very corner of the step...
Carina: grhhhhh !

**Maya driving **

Bambino, I don't think mean is the right word you want to use,
Carina: bambino, I'm sorry, it's been really really stressful lately at work with mommy going back to being a firefighter, I lost my co pilot and I need to find a new one and fast, because I have too many patients I need to see.... So does Addison, and Jo, so I'm going to be a little on edge until everything is settled, please , do you accept my apology?
Alessandro: siiii , i do , and I'm sorry too, I will be careful not to leave my toys hanging around in the house.
Violet, Scarlett, Chloe : yea we will be super duper careful with our words and actions towards both of you moms,
Maya and Carina: thank you,

** one water park day later, it's now 13h00
and the deluca bishop family is now back home. Everyone had a blast.
Maya: okay guys please dry your feet before coming inside,
Londyn : hrmmmm momma , we homeboy
Carina: yes we are home now, you slept the whole way back home from the water park huh?
Did you have fun?
Londyn : siiii , splash pad fun momma
Carina: alright I'm glad you all had fun bambins , Maya can you please get the things out of the car, I really really have to pee,

Maya: yes of course my love,
Chloe and Scarlett : don't worry momma we'll help mommy with the things
Carina: alright thank youuu bambinas ,
Alessandro: im goin to clean up my toys so no one will trip over them.

**Maya made everyone sandwiches with vegetables on the side , Carina was laying down on the couch with Londyn, she is  soaking everything Londyn does , because she's now TWO YEARS OLD and wants to do things all by herself now. Londyn voluntary came up to cuddle with Carina **

Carina: hiiii baby! What do you have in your hands?
Londyn : a ballerina momma, look , pretty dress and shoes!
Carina: siii that's right,
Londyn: I cuddle with you momma?
Carina: of course you know you can always come cuddle with me, any time.
Londyn: siii, ** she climbed up on the couch next to her momma and Carina removed a little bit of hair away from her eyes with a butterfly clip**

A few hours later
**Carina slipped down the stairs and heard something snap... Maya eventually comes to her wife's rescue**

Carina: ahhhhhhhhhh owwwwwwww ! Fuckkkkkk babeeeeeeee , help me ,
Maya: what happened babe? ** she came running from the laundry room upstairs, and she saw her wife down , with her right foot slightly bruised **
Carina: I hurt my foot, I think it's broken... owwwwwwwwwww ! It's throbbing pain ...
Maya: can you get up?
Carina: No , I just told you that it's broken, can you please carry me up to the living room chair so I can put my foot up ?
Maya : okay yes of course ,
Scarlett : ohhh no momma , what happened? Are you okay? ** as she was coming in the living room from the playroom **
Carina: I'm ehh okay,
Maya: Scarley, can you go get me an ice pack with the little pouch in the freezer please?
Scarlett : yes of course mommy, hang in there momma,
Carina: thank you, ohhh ,
Scarlett : here momma, I even brought you a Mr freeze. Your favourite kind, YELLOW. Mango tropical!
Carina: awnnn thank you so much Bambina!
Scarlett : you're welcome momma!
Londyn : I want ister eeeze too ( how she pronounce Mr Freeze, a type of popsicles)
Can I have one too mommy?
Maya: yea sure, which one do you want?

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