Its on Morgan Street, babe

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Thursday November 30 th 2020

5h28 am

Carina: okay, I'm ready,
Maya: woah, where are you going like this babe?
Carina: I'm going to start cleaning up in my new clinic Bambina, I really really really would love to be open as soon as possible, so this weekend I will be mostly in the clinic, you are more than welcome to come help me out
Maya: oh I am definitely coming, we will all help you
Carina: who's we?
Maya:  the kids and I, there's no way I'm letting you do all of the cleaning and ——
Carina: grazie ! I just want to open the clinic so I won't be this nervous about it, can you please spread the word out to anyone else who is or know someone who is pregnant, and wants a good—- please
Maya: I will definitely babe, don't worry about it!
Carina: okay thanks, I'm sorry for leaving you with the kids and breakfast but it's thirty minutes away and Addison is coming to help me out!
Maya: babe don't worry I've got this , FaceTime me later?
Carina: okay yea I will!

** She gave her wife several kisses and happily skipped her way out of her huge mansion house and she got in her car and drove to her new work place.  CARINA AND MAYA LIVE IN THE EAST SIDE OF SEATTLE, on 2343 Wilson Street, and the new clinic is still on that street, and crossing the bridge to  1221 Morgan Street, South**

Thirty minutes later Carina met up with Addison on 1221 Morgan Street, South , at her new clinic.

Carina: hiii Addison, thank you for coming to help and for accepting to be my partner in this new project
Addison: oh I'm thankful for your offer, of course I will help you clean everything up,
Carina: okay thank you, let's go see the whole thing huh?
Addison: yes !
** Carina took her keys and gracefully let Addison in first **
Addison: thank you, wowwww ! It's so spacious and comfortable feeling.
Carina: right, we're going to have a fun time working together here!
Addison: yea
Carina: when do you think it's going to be a functional clinic ?
Addison: oh Carina, I'd say within the beginning of next week, in like four or five days!
Carina: okay,
Addison: I mean it is a old hospital so it has everything we need, medical stuff, hospital beds, ultrasound machines and the owner said that they replaced everything with new ones right?
Carina: yes , he did say that, ohhh I'm so excited! Let's get to work!
Addison : yes !
**Several hours later
Carina and Addison managed to get everything and I mean EVERYTHING sorted out, they threw things away and they mopped the floor and rearrange all medical supplies in order for everything to be functional and ready, Carina couldn't believe that one of her long dreams was to open her own clinic and it was becoming a reality. **

12h21 pm
Carina: this place is getting better and better, thank youuu so much for coming over here and help me get everything settled down, at the crack of dawn,
Addison: ohhh it's always a pleasure, I think we'll get along pretty well you and me
Carina: siii, I think so too!

** Maya and Londyn came by to bring her wife a lunch because she hadn't think she would be gone this long. Londyn is sleeping in her stroller the whole time **

Maya: hiiii,
Carina : hiiii babe! What are you doing here?
Maya: well I came in to bring you a little lunch since it's almost half past noon,
Carina: ohhh , thank youuu Bambina! I was getting kind of hungry,
Addison: this place is really beautiful, can't wait til it's full of expecting moms and nervous dads, who panic when their wives or significant others experienced their first contractions!
Carina: me too, babe, you can stay with us if you want, I was going to call you on FaceTime, but a tour of the place is way better no?
Maya: Yess ! Im ready to see this beautiful clinic! Woah you two really really didn't mess around with the cleaning up of the clinic! I'm super proud of you babe, and Addie, too thank you for helping my wife with her dream of owning and running her own business,
Addison: ohhh , please, we had many laughs , and when you clean with someone else it doesn't feel like you are cleaning
Carina: right, we blasted music and we danced while sweeping the floors ,
So as you can see we are all done cleaning the whole building, so you and the kids don't have to help us , but thank you for offering babe
Maya: don't worry, we'll help you out in any way we can, the kids are extremely excited to see your new clinic
Carina: do you want a tour ?
Maya: siiiii ,
Carina: okay so over here, on the first floor, to the far left is where the recent owner had his office, so we might as well keep it the same way, right Addison?
Addison: yea , I mean it's less of a hassle for us!
Maya: yea , it makes sense !
Carina: siii, so that's where our offices , we still haven't decided who will take which one , but they are still approximately close to one an other, and then a few steps back is all of the hospital rooms and they go all the way to the back of the building,
Maya: it's pretty neat!
Carina: yea? Am I doing the right thing by opening up my own clinic?
Maya: what? Of course you are , babe, you are a brilliant person, and an extremely talented and loving brilliant doctor who's taken extremely good care of your patients, Nancy and Pam are the only two I witness BUT YOU CAN DO THIS, plus the TWO BEST OBGYN IN SEATTLE IN ONE CLINIC, hospitals better watch out cause they are not prepared for the exquisite quality of care they are going to have here!
Addison: your wife is right, Carina, we are a hell of a team you and I, we only worked together with a patient for thirty seconds literally, BUT I KNOW WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF, and i know what YOU ARE CAPABLE OF, together Oufff , that fake abortion clinic, you went to with Miranda and Ben the other day, oufff, we should have a line up of labouring moms waiting, banging on the door begging us to let them in even though it's still empty
Maya: exactly, wait what fake abortion clinic? When ?
Carina: don't worry, but basically we saw online that there was a clinic called BALEY ABORTION CLINIC or something, they were pretending to be Miranda Bailey's clinic so we went undercover, and Ben pretended to be my husband and that I was pregnant and I didn't want to carry the embryo to term and it was actually funny, because obviously you and I are happily married and we have eight beautiful children together and I'm forever grateful and thankful that you changed your mind about having children. Anyhow , we eventually had that clinic shut down and we protested and new moms to be soon —- came and we gave them Miranda's clinic information and she's going to transfer them here, right?
Addison: oh yes, Maya you have nothing to worry about, with the fake clinic and everything else...
Carina: sii, Bambina! Look at me, I'm telling you the truth, we pretended we were not even doctors... so they would give out more information easily and we figured out that the " nurse" wasn't even a real one!
Maya: how did you figured it out?
Carina: well because she never asked me if I had other complications with recent pregnancies, or if I had a condition that might lead to serious complications , purely INCOMPETENT WOMEN !
Addison: yea , hopefully she doesn't come here !
Maya: fine , I believe you!
Carina: grazie ! I highly doubt she's going to be coming here or to doctor Baileys clinic after what she did, pretending to be MIRANDA BAILEY's CLINIC!!
Addison: yea, incomprehensible!
Maya: so um when do you ladies think you will be able to open the clinic up?
Addison: uhhh , well since this was already a medical place, and everything is working fine,
Carina: siii , the recent owner said he got everything replaced with new ones just before he sold me the place , so like the equipment is brand new, from a week ago
Addison: yea, and .... We think we are going to be able to get it open up and ready beginning of next week,
Carina: yea , but first we got to spread the word out about our clinic!
Maya: okay that's good, I will spread the word out to my police officers soon, and tell them to tell their friends to come here for anything pregnancy or labour related stuff
Carina: excellent!
Addison: well, ummm ! If you want to you can both go home and I will text if we have any clients...
Carina: really?
Addison: yes , you seem extremely exhausted.... And I'm fully well rested, my teenage son seems to have given me all of his tips on how to sleep peacefully for ten consecutive hours!
Carina: Woah ten hours! You're so lucky
I don't know when was the last time I slept ten hours consecutively!
Maya: yea me either, probably when you were in your first trimester with Chloe!
Carina: yea so that was almost ELEVEN YEARS AGO NOW!

**Maya and Addison both laughed**
Addison: ohh I'm actually being paged with a patient of mine , so I guess we can all go
Carina: perfect, I'll lock up the door! Oh and do you want a double, to the set of keys?
Addison. Oh that would be nice thank you
Carina: okay I'll go get one done uhhh over the weekend, and give it to you on Uhhh ...
Addison: just let me know when you got a double set of keys and I'll come by your house and pick them up
Carina: okay perfect!
Ouhhh I cant wait to hold her ! Uhhh !
Maya: yea , she can't wait either!
See you at home babe!

** Maya kisses Carina before she straps Londyn in her Car seat and heads home, Carina leaves first and Maya followed her wife the whole thirty minute drive back home **

** Carina didn't do anything else the rest of the day, the kids came back home from school and they were doing their homework, and Carina cuddled with Londyn , she did missed her momma when she's at work , Carina did too, Maya finished the laundry and put everything away in each kids room, and she cleaned the baby bottles so Londyn has fresh new clean ones, Maya made ham sandwiches for dinner, both of the moms were extremely exhausted from their day , and everyone took a bath and shower,  by 20h48 everyone was asleep **

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