Head And Shoulders !

28 1 0

Saturday June 20 th

The kids are officially on summer break, whoo hooo , they have been signed up for summer camp that's near their house because Maya and Carina both have to work , but the summer camp is a good way to teach the kids about nature, make new friends and they are going to do a bunch of cool stuff like go rock climbing, and zip lining from one tree to another.

2h38 am

**Carina woke up with a stomach ache, who then transformed itself into a huge headache. She couldn't even open her eyes. She also had back aches and shoulders pains. **

Carina: baabbbbbeee ,
Maya: how's your stomach feeling?
Carina: it's doing okay but now I'm having a massive headache and it hurt so bad when I open my eyes,
Maya: awnnn , I'll take care of you my love, I will give you lots of massages ,
Carina: hrmmm I wouldn't be appose to that idea,
Maya: Okay...
Carina: down further to the right, don't be afraid to put pressure on my shoulders.... They have been hurting me for a few days...
Maya: a few days? Why didn't you say anything my love?
Carina: I don't know.... Hrmmmm it feels soooo good, keep going.
Maya: okay,
Carina: what's up?
** she turned around to kiss her wife and she knew deep down that Maya was thinking about something **
Maya: babe, I think I want to go back to being a firefighter, I loved working with you in your clinic, but my special calling is firefighting,
Carina: excuse me, what did you just say?
Maya: babe. I know it's not what you thought I was going to say
Carina: pfffff , that's right, I wasn't expecting that to come out of your mouth at 2h38 In the morning, stop massaging me, When ? What ? How ?
Maya: I don't know, I tried being a nine one one operator and it was safe for our family,
Carina: so now what? I still—- WE STILL WANT YOU BACK EVERY TIME YOU GO TO WORK WE EXPECT YOU TO BE BACK HOME BAMBINA! Even if the kids are older we still want and need you here. HRMMMMMM AHHHHH
i know you want me to be supportive of you, I love you tremendously, 

Maya: okay, I understand that you are upset with that, but I ....
Carina: I'm going back to sleep now, I'm letting you sleep on the sporadic decision you made without fully talking to me about it first...
Maya: do you still want a massage?
Carina: siiiii but im still very very upset with that and if you still want to be a firefighter by tomorrow morning, that's fine, but I'm going to have anxiety every day , being too scared to lose you again, and you will be the ones announcing it to the kids, OUR CHILDREN WHO HAVE LOVED SPENDING QUALITY TIME WITH their MOMMY,  they have been so used to having you working twenty four hours straight or twelve hours consecutively, did you hear what Alessandro said when we played HIDE AND SEEK?
Maya: I think I did yea..
Carina: he said " I loooooooved it so much, it's fun when both mommy and momma are home early , we can spend more time together as a family"
Carina: also I'm going to want more and more massages to make the stress of "am I going to see my wife again tonight? "
Maya : I will give you all the massages you want babe!
Carina: okay. Thank you,
8h21 am

**Maya had thought about what her wife said, and she decided to go out for and do push-ups in the garage, but by 8h20 she stopped and went upstairs, the twins , Chloe and Lorenzo were up , and Alessandro was coming down the stairs as Maya came up .**

Alessandro: ohhh hii mommy good morning ,
Maya: good morning buddy, how did you sleep?
Alessandro: I slept good thank you,
Chloe: come on guys , I'll get you a easy breakfast started while moms are sorting something out.
Maya: thank youuu Princess!!
Chloe: No worries mommy , you better go check on momma...
Violet: i could hear momma cry and cry, when I went to the bathroom at 6h46 this morning!
Scarlett : wait why was momma crying?
Maya: shiiiiit !

** she knew she had to get upstairs and fast, to resolve this **

Ohhhh noooo,

**Maya entered the room, Londyn was awake and on her momma's lap , playing with her hair**

Maya: good morning babe
Carina: good morning, do you still have a death wish this morning?
Maya: babe, they need me back, I really really love being a firefighter, it's always been my job . I will always come back home baby
Carina: how are you so sure you are?
** she said with a trembling voice and tears were flooding down her face and she couldn't seem to stop**
Londyn : ohhh no , no cry momma, mommy stop you making momma cry
Maya: I know sweetie, it's going to be okay,
Carina: I don't want to loose you, please don't do anything reckless just like you did with the excessive working out
Maya: babe I won't go back to my old habits. That was before Chloe was born, I miss the adrenaline and the crew . Babe....
Carina: okay... I respect Your decision but im not happy with it. So now you have to go announce it to our beautiful children.
Maya: babe... I
Carina : ahhhhhhh nahhhhh uhhhh Bambina, i will not be the one to tell them, it's your decision you tell them. Now before they go here and there.
Maya: okay fine. Are you coming downstairs with me?
Carina: hrmmmmmm , fine but only because she pooped and we ran out of wipes upstairs,
** she bolted out of her bed with a laughing one and a half years old Londyn**

Londyn : Woah momma
** she was giggling so loud. Maya followed them downstairs.**

Lorenzo: oh moms there you are I was just about to go to Anthony's house
Carina: okay but first mommy has something she needs to say to everyone.
The kids: woahhhh this doesn't sound too good
Carina: Maya , the floor is yours,
** as she gestured with her left arm she sat down on the couch with Londyn still on her lap**
Maya: okay ummm , as you know before I worked with momma at her clinic, I was a firefighter.
The kids: yea we know....
Maya: right, ummm I decided to go back to being a firefighter.
Violet: woahhhh why would you do that mommy?
Maya : because it's what I was meant to do baby girl.
Scarlett: but no .. you are supposed to be coming home from work every time you go , mommy, I'm sorry but that's how it works...
Violet: you are going to run into burning buildings again huh?
Maya: yea, I know it's not what everyone wanted to hear, but I will always make sure i come back home to you SIX
** she turned her head towards Carina when she said that **

Carina: when do you start at the station again babe?
Maya: uhhhh tomorrow
**Carina whimpered **
Awnnnnn , so we only have today to be together, and then I will be stressed out the whole entire day tomorrow.....
Maya: I know babe, but I'm going to be careful
Carina: you promise?
Maya: I promise you I will always come back home.
Carina: okay but who's going to help me with the kids in the morning, I'll have to get everyone ready for summer camp all by myself?
How am I going to do it?
Maya: I'll help you with the clothes, lunch packing , but you will be working too babe
Carina: yea but I'm not until Tuesday.
Maya: I'm going to be home around five , I'm not doing twenty four hours shift babes, Chief Ross knows we have children,
Carina: okay, but....

Maya: everything is going to be fine.
Carina: I trust you Bambina.
Maya: okay, thank youuu, I love you so much, forever and always.
Carina: to the moon and back, forever and always.
** both kissed**
Maya: plus Chloe and Lorenzo aren't going to summer camp babe, so they are going to help you out with Londyn .
Carina: babe, I won't force them to help me out over the summer, it's their time off school. It wouldn't be fair of me to ask them that.
Maya: okay, but I'm telling you I'm working during the day like from eight to four . Maximum six pm . , I'll be home with you at the same time you do,
Chloe: I wouldn't mind helping you out momma
Lorenzo: yea me too I'm not doing anything this summer, I'll be hanging out with my friends here and there but that's about it.
Carina: okay, well, I know I'll need help Tomorrow, Monday for sure, and then Londyn is going to daycare. Thank goodness hers is open all summer time.

*** they didn't do anything in particular, the children played outside in the backyard, Londyn wanted to go on her swing, Lorenzo came back home from his friends' s Anthony's house, the three oldest girls cuddled up with Carina, and Maya. Carina gave Londyn a teething ring and a popsicle to help with her incoming teeth's. Everyone went to sleep at 21h . Maya gave Carina several massages, naked massages, Carina's favourite. Both moms were in bed by 22h45, after an hour and FOURTY five minutes of massage.**

All I want is YOU! 💋 ( FIVE)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang