Happy 8 th birthday Violet and Scarlett

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Saturday March 28 th 2021

Violet and Scarlett eight birthday party theme is "survivor kids and kids Ninja warriors "! Maya and Carina were both surprised to hear that BOTH TWINS WANTED THE SAME BIRTHDAY PARTY THEME , as Violet is more of the princess dresses and bows in her hair , and fairies whilst Scarlett is the most adventurous twin! So Maya and Carina both arranged a PARCOURS and obstacles course so they can feel like they are doing like the little kids in survivor kids are doing. And on that day it happened to be a warm spring day with sunshine out, a good 75 degrees.


Violet: moms, our friends are all here,
Carina: shiiit, Maya please give me my nursing cover sheet, ** she's currently breastfeeding Londyn and didn't know it was already ten am**

Maya: ohh right! Here you go babe
Carina: grazie! Hiii everyone, welcome!
Maya: hiii, did everyone bring a new pair of clothes that you don't mind getting dirty ?
Everyone: yeasss !
Maya: perfect!
The parents: what time should we come pick them up?
Maya: uhhh 16 h !
The parents : alright, have fun everyone!

Violet: okay so umm , let's go into our playroom guys ,
Brooklyn : how is your basement renovation going?
Scarlett : it's going okay I think, we aren't allowed in the basement while it's being renovated!
Oaklee : it can be dangerous with tools everywhere
James: woahhh you guys have a pretty big house!
Hazel : yea, woah is that painting made by your momma?
Violet and Scarlett : yeaaa, she did that before we were born, I never could figure out what she painted...
Nova : it looks like a pretty high high mountain with birds flying in the sky
Scarlett : hrmm right?
Carina: they are all so adorable interacting with their friends!
Maya: yesss ! They are growing up to be incredible and loving, adorable little girls!
Carina: I know.... Don't remind me that they are TURNING EIGHT? HOW ARE THEY ALREADY EIGHT YEARS OLD BAMBINA? WHERE DID THE TIME GO ? Seriously?
Maya: ouhhh , I DIDNT mean to make you feel sad ! I'm sorry!
** Carina couldn't help herself but cry**
Carina: it's fine, I know they have to grow up and it's a privilege to grow up! One of which our baby didn't get the chance to, but it just seems like yesterday I was heavily pregnant with them , I was HUMONGOUS! I gained what 35 or 45 POUNDS !
Maya: okay... but you lost every one of your pregnancy weight from the twins baby!
Parker : what should we do?
Nova : we can play a game where we are all sitting down in a circle and someone runs around us and tries to catch the other person, I don't remember what it's called though!
Violet: all we know is we have two hours at a trampoline park and the obstacles and parcour planned , we eat lunch at the trampoline park place,
Eva : umm whatever you girls want, it's your birthday party after all
Scarlett : well we know we have activities planned for this afternoon, the OBSTACLES AND PARCOUR IS this afternoon—- early evening.. other than that it's a surprise for us ,
Riley : ouhhh , uhhh , we can play duck duck goose ?
Nova: Ouhh yes thats what I was talking about! duck duck goose !
I got to remember that name
Oaklee: well I love the duck duck goose
Violet: alright! Is everyone good with the duck duck goose game
Everyone: yesss!
Violet: okay , i duck duck goose first!

**Maya and Carina could have looked at their twins interact with their friends, all day , but they had to prepare the obstacles parcour outside in their backyard!**

Maya: babe, come help me with the obstacles! I need your help to see how far each obstacle should be from one an other
Carina: alright, but I'm still nursing babe
Maya: that's okay, I just need to know...
Eeeep , be careful babe, don't trip on the kids toys
Carina: well...... thank goodness for the door, huh cause I would have fallen.... Ughhhh ! They never pick up their FREAKING TOYS HRMMMMM
Maya: is everything alright babe, you seem on edge ...
Carina: I'm FINE! I'm just extremely exhausted....
I'm sorry!
** she pouted her lips together **
Maya: okay, you are forgiven! I'll give you something to get you to calm down...
Carina: can't wait!


Everyone had a blast, they had chocolate cakes and they received awesome gifts, chalks , TWO BELL FOOT ( ONE EACH, a PURPLE ONE AND A RED ONE) , clothes and accessories for their American Girls Dolls, who they now have up on their shelves so Londyn doesn't ruin them, they play with them when Londyn naps on the weekends... or when the girls don't have school and Londyn's at daycare,

Tiring everyone out!!
Obstacles/ parcour time

Maya: okay guys listen up, here's our homemade obstacles, you have to run to the jump rope and jump three times, and then you have to HULA-HOOP with the hoop and make it turn five times, then you go up on this blowup mountain thingy , then you leap around in here, go on your stomach and then you have to jump through the BLEW UP TIRES AND COME BACK ON THE BLOW UP MOUNTAIN THINGY AND GET ACROSS AND TAP IN THE HAND OF YOUR TEAMMATES!

Carina: yesss , show them how Bambina'
The teams are Violet, Brooklyn , Oaklee , James
And Hazel against Scarlett , Parker, Nova, Eva
And Riley!

** maya demonstrate how to do the obstacles course , the kids had a blast going in the muddy grass, as it rained the day before, which was perfect for this obstacle course, Chloe and Lorenzo both decided to be at friends house so the twins had their own special day with their school friends, Maya and Carina thought they were being lovely , and they were grateful for their oldest two children to understand that they wanted this day to be just about Violet and Scarlett , but Chloe and Lorenzo will come back home once the birthday party is over, to end their sisters day alone with their family **

Violet and Scarlett : thank you everyone for coming!! We had a lot of fun ! We hope you had fun too
Carina: ouhhh , girls , how did you like our organization of the party? AND the cakes , did we get the right ones?
Scarlett : you did amazing moms ! Thank you thank youuu soooo much ! Yes , my unicorn cake is so beautiful!
That obstacle course was soooo much fun
Violet : yessss I loved getting dirty ! We really really had a good eighth birthday, thank youuu everyone, and yesss , my ballerina cake is so good and very well decorated! Thank you!

Carina and Maya ordered the girls favourite dinner take out, Chinese noodles with chicken, and they finished their birthday with cuddles and a movie, and popcorn!

By 21h21 everyone was asleep.

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