The kids are back home yay 🥳

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Two days later

Tuesday April 24 th

** it's now 8h38 am maya and Carina are both up and ready for their children to come back home and tell them all about the fun things they did , Victoria and Andy are going to drop them off at 9h30 am ! **

Carina : ohhhhh i am soooo ready for them to be back home with us, I feel more relaxed and patient. If that's even possible, ** She chuckled**
My breasts have been ready to .... They are extremely hard and painful to touch , ahhh owww!
Maya: awnnn , do youuu want me to help you pump your breasts , so Londyn can get some... for later tonight!
Carina: that's not a bad idea, can you please help me look for it, because I don't know where I've misplaced my breast pump.
Maya: yea of course,
Carina: thank you, and we should probably just clean up all of my art supplies and put them away , in the art supplies closet,
Maya: yea, excellent idea I'll do that while you pump,

** Carina picked up her tank top and shorts and opens up the living room curtains, the sun was out and bright, the birds were chirping. Carina is now in her home office**

9h01 am
Carina: Babbeeee I found my breast pump!!!
Maya: okay excellent, I put everything away in your art supplies cabinet my love.
Carina: Grazie mille Bambina... now it's time to get this milk out of my breasts because they really really hurt . Can you please plug my machine into the wall?

** as she sat down on the couch and getting her tank top off of her chest, and she gestured to Maya to come sit down next to her while she pumps**

Maya: of course my love,
** she sat down next to her wife and she looked at her with étincelles in her deep ocean blue eyes**
Carina: thank youuu,
Maya: for what?
Carina: for everything, you have done for me , I don't say it enough and I'm sorry, but I'm just happy to have found you... when I did waaaay back in TWO THOUSAND AND SEVEN , we've been through thick and thin together and I'm more than happy that we can be back to our early days, when we look at each other and know that we are made for each other. And I'm lucky to wake up next to you every day , and to go to sleep next to you every night, so thank you for everything.
Maya: awnnn , you are more than welcome, babe, I think about it all too, and every day I know it's going to be a wonderful day because I get to parent the most well behaved and loving, caring children with the love of my life. So really I THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING, for taking me back in your life.
**Carina kisses her wife several times **

Carina: hrmmmm , don't stop!
Maya: okay, we only have a couple minutes before the kids get home!
Carina: exactly, but you kissing me while I pump really really helps, and it's turning me on ! So we can do that until they get home!
We have twenty minutes!
Maya: okay!
** she kisses her wife some more and wants to touch her breasts but isn't sure it's a good idea **
Carina: hrmmmm ! You can Bambina'
Maya: okay, ** she then gently put her hands on her wife's breasts and caresses them **

Carina: hrmmm thank youuu Bambina,
Maya : you are welcome,
We have time to get our tops back on and wait for them to get home now!
Carina: right, **They both get dressed up again, and then they clean up the toys so they don't have to be embarrassed to show the house , totally chaotic to their friends. Even though they know it's never clean for long with seven children in the house now **

9h32 am
Maya: babeeeee , they are here!!!
Carina: ouhhhhh yayyyyyy, i cant wait to hear what they did !!
Maya: me too, awnnn look at how sweet our children are, ughhh , they are the prettiest and the most perfect children in the whole wide world,
Carina: yea I agree, ahhhhh ! Here they come!!

** Lorenzo, Chloe, Violet and Scarlett all grabbed their bags and they helped Vic and Andy out with Alessandro and Londyn's luggage. They had a blast, but everyone was happy to be home, Londyn had fallen asleep in the car in the way back home **

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