Kayla you need to rest

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Saturday December 15 th

**Yesterday was Chloe's ELEVENTH BIRTHDAY AND SHE WANTED TO GO TO iHOP, therefore that's what she did, she was so happy to celebrate it with her friends and family, she got a new bike , some money, a skateboard, just like Lorenzo's , and other stuff for the yard, like a bounce ball with a handle on it, TWO skip ropes THAT LIGHT UP WHEN you skip with it, and some money.
Early Sunday morning Maya and Carina are both NOT WORKING, and neither is Kayla, so both wives decided to go see Kayla and Ethan's new house with their children **

Maya: hiiii guys, wow your house is so beautiful kayla !
Kayla : hiii everyone, I would get up and greet you all but I'm extremely exhausted and baby is in a weird position and it's difficult for me to move ! Ahhhhh
Violet: woooooah ! That chandelier is so beautiful KayKay!
Scarlett: ahhh I hope you feel better soon Kayla , and baby won't be in a weird position for much longer!
Kayla: thank youuu!
Lorenzo: woahhhh ! Your tv screen is ON THE WALL ! So high tech
Alessandro: hiiii KayKay , i miss you! ** he ran and gave her a big hug , a side way one , Cause Kayla couldn't move properly **
Londyn : hiii ! Momma me down please please!
Carina: okay , hang on missy , hang on , we got to take off your coat and little boots!
Londyn : alright! Ayyeee ayeee !
** Carina took off Londyn's snowsuit and she put it on the Bench near the door **

Londyn : yayyyyy ! I run around the house!!!
Carina: hiiii ! Ouhhh KayKay you look exhausted !
Kayla : that's because I am momma!

Ethan: hi everyone, I'll give everyone a house tour!
Carina: awnnn ! Go with uncle Ethan everyone, I'll stay here with Kayla
Kayla: thank youuu momma!
Carina: may I ?
Kayla : yes please

**Carina tried her best to get baby to move from Kayla's pelvic bone, which really really hurts pregnant women *

Kayla: is it normal to be extremely exhausted in the second trimester of pregnancy? I'm only five months and two days, aye aye !
Carina: yes it totally normal Bambina, that's why I didn't schedule you that much at the clinic, , and it's going to get worse until you give birth,

Kayla: owwwww !
Carina: what's wrong?
Kayla: he or she just kicked me so hard ahhhhh
Kayla : Ethan babe, we'll have to pick out a name for a boy and for a girl,
Ethan: yea , okay, I've been thinking about Oliver and Mia !
Kayla: I really really love the name CHARLOTTE for a girl! And her nickname can be Charlie !
Mia is adorable But that's also the initials for MISSING. IN. ACTION.
Ethan: Ouhh right, don't worry we will have a name for both genders babe
Kayla: okay, and boys name I don't have any ideas yet! But I do love Oliver.
Ethan: okay I will make a baby name list in my phone, so Oliver we both love it !
Under category boy
Kayla : excellent I will do the same, I'm going to write down Charlotte because I really really love this name

Ethan; Charlotte Kingston?
Hrmm yea I can vibe with that
Kayla: really? Ohhhh thank youuu so much babe!!!

1. Charlotte

1 . Oliver

Maya: are you going to find out the gender of your baby, before it's born ?
Kayla: I Uhh , told my friends to look at the ultrasound picture and they said they would reveal it to us on our baby shower, in March , that way people know what type of clothes or things to buy. At least that's what I think they are going to do I'm really really not sure anymore
Maya: excellent idea
Carina: yea, now looking back I wish I had a baby shower for all of our children
Maya: right , I'm sorry we never threw you baby showers for all six , babe,
Carina: it's fine ! I did get one for Chloe and for the twins,
Maya: yea that's right, we got the momma roo swings from your baby shower with Violet and Scarlett,
Carina: yea that's right, and for Alessandro and Londyn we didn't,
Maya: because we had told everyone that after the twins we were done having children!
Carina: siii! Anyhow it's okay,

Meanwhile at work

12h23 pm
In the clinic's doctors lounge
Olivia: we have to start getting ideas for Kayla's baby shower
Parker: ohhh yea right,
Olivia: she knows we are going to throw her one , but what she doesn't know is that we all know what she is having and we all have to do is prepare the cupcakes... balloons! Everything !
Emma: what are you guys talking about?
I want in !
Olivia: oh hi Em , we're just discussing Kayla's baby shower that we will be throwing her.. we just have to keep it a secret that we will be revealing the baby's gender to them , but I think we should at least tell Ethan so he could help us out ohhh and Maybe Doctor Deluca could help us out!
Emma: ouhhhhh that's such a wonderful idea,
Jessie : wait, we are going to be throwing KayKay a baby shower?
Olivia: yea, we need a organizer , planner person!
Jessie: ouhhh I really really want to help , but I think we should organize it all together, it'll be more fun that way , let's create a iMessage group chat and we can discuss all the details in there?
Jayden : excellent idea! Yea , oh that's going to be my very first time organizing a baby shower and I'm so excited,

** Jessie created the IMessage group chat with everyone except KAYLA! and they sorted out everything they needed, when and where , Carina even agreed to help them out and she even said it was a wonderful gesture, and she's thankful and grateful for each and every one of these brand new obgyn/ Kayla's best friends, they have known each other since primary school and they have been best friends ever since ***

Back at Kayla and Ethan's house

Carina: how is this massage feeling?
Kayla : oh it's wonderful keep going please momma
~Carina laughed~
Okay I will!

Kayla: why is naming a new human being extremely stressful?
Carina: Awnn , don't worry about it, you will both come to an agreement with the name
Kayla; would you stay with me here whenever I go into labour, I'd feel more safe knowing that my momma is here with us, when the baby comes,
Carina: like from your very first contraction?
Yea of course I'll be here,
Kayla: okay thank you sooo much,

** Several hours later Carina and Maya and their children are back home, bath and bedtime stories have been taken and read, now maya and Carina were talking before falling asleep **

Maya; good night everyone! Sweet dreams
Everyone: good night mommy, good night momma!
Carina: good night my loves, we hope you all have sweet dreams,
Maya; okay miss Londyn are you ready for a evening bottle?
Londyn : siiii mommy
Maya: babe I love the idea of you going to Kayla's house when she goes into labour,
Carina: really? I just said yes without even talking about it with you, I know I should have and I'm sorry,
Maya: babe, I'm glad she can count on you, and we will definitely be very supportive of you and Kayla during her birth
Carina: okay, thank you for telling me that you think it's a good idea for me to go, it's her first baby and she really really wants a home birth.
Maya: I totally understand babe,
Don't worry, I fucking love you so damn much!
Maya: okay one little munchkin down , I'll go put her in her bed
Carina: okay thank you, ohh I'm getting sleepy, so good night Bambina, I love you so much, to the moon and back, forever and always!
Maya: okay, good night, I love you too soooo much, to the moon and back, forever and always. By 21 h 25 everyone was sound asleep!

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