Chapter Twenty

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"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." – William Shakespeare



MANY things in this world scare me, water, spiders and even cockroaches but when it came to a phone call from your parents stating they are expecting you over for dinner tomorrow night and to bring this new boyfriend of mine with me your heart rate speeds up and your hands begin to sweat. The look on my fathers face when he saw me get dropped off by Price at the hotel in New York would kill anyone, i could only imagine the look on his face when he finds out i'm dating the same guy. The only other thing close to be even scarier then that is lying to your parents saying you new boyfriend won't be able to make it because he's going out of town and then they start questioning his age, who he is and of course 'what's his full name so i can run a background check'.

Instead of Price i offered to bring Penny which they huffed about but soon agreed because my dad had a soft spot for Penny and her questions; i was told that i was in need of a serious conversation with my dad so add that to the list of fears. Last night went by in a blur; i was half tempted to go back to Price's house when he offered but decided i should go back with Penny. Price ended up leaving an hour before we did; after we did my birthday cake he gave me a kiss and left because everyone was starting to remove their masks after wearing them for hours and he obviously couldn't.

When i woke up this morning i sat in bed shocked at the fact i was with him, it seemed to fast but i wasn't going to complain. My cheeks flush at the memory of us in the bathroom, my hand goes up to my neck recalling his hands around it and am reminded of his present to me. It was sweet of him to think of me whilst in Paris; i never wanted to take this necklace off.

"How's your head?" Penny grumbles her face in her pillow; i laugh at the sight of her hair sprawled out in different places. She still wore her dress, i was alive enough to get into pyjamas before hopping into bed last night, "Because mine's fucking throbbing."

"It's not bad," I respond, "Do you want me to go get us something from the bakery down the road?"

"Yes please," She groans.

I quickly get dressed in a flowery sundress and chuck my hair into a pony-tail. I grab my purse and head out the door; i needed some fresh air anyway on my way down the hall towards the exit door my eyes connect with Delilah who was on the phone leaned against the wall.

"Yes Sir," I hear her sigh, "I'll let you go she's right here anyway." I glance at her as i walk past, "Zo."

"Only my friends call me Zo," I reply continuing to walk; she rushes up to my side and falls into a stride with me, "What do you want?"

"To apologise," She almost cringes at the words, "For last night, we shouldn't of crashed your party."

"Okay," I reply, "And?"

"I'm sorry," she whispers, "For everything, last night, Micheal and even David."

I stop and turn to her, "You don't expect me to forgive you? You've done a lot to either fuck me over or hurt my feelings. You were my friend for years Delilah, i just don't understand why you hate me so much? I never did anything to you."

She looks at her feet avoiding my eyes, "Our families don't get along," she mumbles, "Just ask your dad, he should of told you a long time ago but i just want to say i'm sorry and i understand if you don't forgive me."

It hurt to say the words but there was no way i could forgive her right now, i was still recovering from last night and not to mention the boyfriends she decided to snatch out from under me, "I can't forgive you."

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