Chapter Eleven

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From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate. - Socrates



IT WAS easy for me to hate people; i hated Delilah after she slept with David and hated him as well. I hated Price for coming back into my life even if it wasn't on purpose, the strong sexual feeling i had towards my professor made me hate him. It felt dirty and wrong; i hated Penny for having someone as good as Zac (i still love her i'm just jealous) and i hated Micheal for hitting me. I tried to push the hatred down into a deep hole, no one deserved hate unless there name was Randy because the motherfucker shot at me and threatened to kill the people i loved. One day i could forgive Delilah if she proved herself to be sorry. It was easy to hate, hard to forgive and when it came to love it depended on the person.

A smell hits my nose causing my eyes to slowly open, the smell of bacon and pancakes floated in my room. Who the hell is cooking in my hotel room, I sit up and realise i was not in my hotel room. My eyes dart around, this was way to fancy to be my room; i get out of bed but when i roll over onto my arm i hiss feeling a stinging pain. Memories from last night rush into my head, Randy holding me down, his hand around my neck and then him fucking shooting at me. I press my hand against neck praying there wasn't a bruise; a bandage was wrapped around my arm. Carefully i pull myself out of bed and exit the room following the smell; when i walk into the kitchen i see Price standing at the stove in a white t-shirt and jeans. He easily flipped a pancake in the pan as he looked up at me.

"Good morning," he says casually as if his student didn't just sleep in his hotel room.

"Uh hi," i respond back, i pull on the end of Randy's shirt realising how exposed i was.

"Go into my suitcase there are sweatpants with a drawstring," he says, "Put them on."

I quickly dash back off to the room and find the pants he was talking about, it felt weird going through his suitcase but thankfully they were on the top. I slipped into the sweatpants and tied it up as tight as i could; they hang loosely around my hips. My eyes land on a plain black shirt; temptation made me want to swap and get rid of Randy's, i looked down and see the hardened parts of the shirt i wore from where the blood had dried up. Surely if he didn't mind me wearing his sweats he wouldn't care about a shirt, i take off Randy's shirt and put on Price's before walking back out of the room. I would need to get my dress from Randy's room eventually i wasn't letting it go to waste.

Price had laid out all of the things he cooked on the dining table, he sat at the end filling is plate up he looked over at me; his glance filled with an emotion i couldn't place before it changed to darkness and broody expression like usual, "Help yourself."

I sit down and fill up a plate, "Can i ask you for a favour?"

He looks up, "what?"

I cough awkwardly, "Um w-when i leave can you come with me to Randy's room?"

His eyebrows furrow as he looks at me anger sweeps through his eyes, "Why do you need to go there? Don't tell me you're going back to him?"

I choke on a piece of bacon, "Fuck no, i want my dress back and theres no way i'm going there alone unless you don't want too it's fine i can go alone."

He leans back in his chair, "Theres no way in hell would i let you go back to his room alone."

"Surprised you haven't asked what happened," I mutter.

He shrugs carelessly although the grip on his fork said otherwise, "not my business."

We sit in silence for a while as we eat food, it felt weird to be sat at a table with him. Not to mention i slept in his hotel room bed; tomorrow he would become my professor again. Last night he had pulled a gun out on someone to protect me, he stood in front of me thinking Randy was going to shoot and he bandaged me up when i fell asleep. I feel my stomach churn when i think about me originally planning to sleep with Randy last night until he pushed me against the wall and said those words to me.

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