Chapter Sixteen

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"Never let your best friends get lonely...keep disturbing them." — Candlelight Publications


MY BEST friend Penny was someone i hated lying to; when Price dropped me off i ended up telling her i was going on another date with him -without name dropping- she pestered for his name and details about the date. I went through the date details with her -minus some information; like him renting out the whole restaurant- without saying the name of the person and she laid on her bed sighing heavily. I laughed at her reactions as i told her what happened; after being in the water with Price a few more minutes we laid on the blanket and talked for three hours. Just enjoying each other's presence and also the silence engulfed by the waves.

"Did you actually get put onto watch duty that night or did you want to talk to me?" I ask him, it had been an hour after we left the water; i'd gotten comfortable enough to start asking him questions.

"Are you referring to the party?" He asks, i looked up at the stars that were shining brightly down onto us as i hum in response to his question, "I wanted to talk to you."

I playfully push my hand against his rubs, "Such a liar."

He laughs, "I promise i did."

"So out of all the beautiful women there you chose to come up and speak to me?"

I feel his eyes staring into the side of my head, "There was only one beautiful woman and i had the privilege of having a short conversation with her and then taking her back to my place."

"So romantic," I roll my eyes but can't help a smile appear on my face.

I had been reliving the conversations when i got home; from him saying i was only beautiful person there to him leaning over and laying a soft kiss on my cheek before i got out of the car when he dropped me off. He had been so gentle and romantic the whole time and i had been a bitch saying we can't do this again after tonight; maybe i should just shut up and enjoy the fact someone has any interest in me. I fell asleep with a smile on my face and my mind racing to relive every moment with Price in my head.

THE next morning i arose from bed like i was reborn, i felt happier and lighter. Penny had eyed me suspiciously but i honestly just felt like i was floating on a cloud; how can someone have this much affect on me without barely even touching me? I almost skipped to have a shower this morning, i sent Jackson a good morning text and made Penny and I a coffee.

"Jesus, if someone can make you this happy without giving you dick he must be a miracle worker." Penny says grabbing the coffee from my hand. I laugh and finish my coffee in minutes; funnily enough my first lesson today was Price's lesson.

"So you really aren't going to tell me who this guy is?" Penny asks as i pick up my backpack; class started in fifteen minutes and it was on the quad which was on the opposite side of campus so we needed to leave now, i watch as she picks up her bag and follows me out of the room.

I shake my head, "No and that's not why i'm happy." I lie to her.

It is exactly why i'm happy today. There was something about the few hours i had spent with Price last night that made me realise how shit i had it with my exes, they never truly sat and listened to me talk like Price did; they never asked me questions like he did. It was truly a happy experience and it came with cons, i tried not to think about it about that fact this was incredibly wrong and considering the fact i was starting to have feeling for him even more then before.

"Sureeee," Penny teases me; which earns an eye roll from me.

We make our way to the quad a few students already sitting on the grass waiting for Price. Jackson spots me and stands up from the ground and runs at me pulling me into a hug; i laugh as he picks me up. If it wasn't for my stupid dumb feelings for the tall, black haired and grey eyed man i would totally be into Jackson; he was super sweet and such an amazing guy.

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