Chapter Nine

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"One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years." - Tom Wolfe


THE city of New York beautiful and disgusting at the same time, the rats were human at this rate and the way the city lights up at night was stunning. New York was filled with hope for those wanting to become famous; it was filled with rich people and rich stores. It wasn't the type of city you could explore alone, which is why having Penny here made it much more exciting. We spent Thursday night in our hotel rooms; they were both identical. Large floor to ceiling windows with an epic view of downtown New York, large queen sized beds fitted with white sheets and a grey blanket. A simple tv, a small kitchenette and a bathroom with a shower with and a large gorgeous cream bathtub. The bathroom was connected to the bedroom via a large hole in the wall.

My father was nice enough to give us seperate rooms while he stayed upstairs in the penthouse; it was extra nice knowing i'll be sleeping alone and not having to listen to Zac and Penny. He had gotten here last night, it was Saturday now and Zac was joining us at the ball tonight. We were getting ready in my dads penthouse, the glam team had met us there early this morning. Zac was dressed in a lovely black suit with a white tie to match with Penny's silver dress. He was sat next to her watching the glam team work on her, his eyes filled with love and i couldn't help but be jealous. He was so lost looking at her that he doesn't realise he's in the way of the makeup artist, i close my eyes for the makeup artist as she puts on the smokey eyeshadow onto my lids.

"Oh you're here!" Penny erupts suddenly as the door opens, I don't say anything assuming it was her Uber eats she ordered ten minutes ago. It was silent for a while; i open my eyes when i feel the makeup artist's brush leave my face and all of a sudden a cute boyish grin is in front of me.

"Randy?" I say shocked standing up and giving him a hug, "What the hell."

He laughs wrapping his arms around my waist, "Surprise!"

"How? What? When?" I stutter pulling away from him, i look past him at Penny who has a large smile on her face, "Penny."

Little does she know he hadn't messaged or called me since our movie date night, I told her he got back to me but it was a lie because i was getting annoyed at her questions. I know she just wants to make sure that Randy and i become a thing so Price and i don't. It was funny to think she would expect me to get with a professor.

"You aren't happy to see me?" He questions as i sit back down in the makeup chair.

"Of course I am," I tell him, "I'm just surprised." you know because you haven't talked to be in six days.

He smiles, "I'm going to go back to my hotel and get ready."

"Oh i'll come with," Zac stands up pressing a soft kiss against Penny's mouth, "I'll see you tonight gorgeous."

They both leave and i'm surprised that Randy got a hotel room and didn't assume he was staying with me. Maybe tonight could be the night of possibility of me sleeping with him? I wasn't ready mentally but i think sleeping with Randy might help me move past seeing Price again. I needed to man up and sleep with him, i've slept with strangers before surely i can sleep with someone i've known for years.

"You're angry," Penny says matter of factly; her face deadpanned; "i'm sorry i invited him."

I shrug, "It's fine honestly."

It was nice now having a date for this event, i wouldn't be third wheeling Zac and Pen; i would have my dad but i'm at the age where it's not as fun to be chilling with your dad having to listen to people talk about the stocks they've invested in and how much money they had.

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