Chapter Fourteen

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FOOD was good for many things, to cure that hunger pain that sat in your stomach making you want to throw up, to comfort you through your anxiety, break ups and problems. My go-to was definitely pizza and ice-cream, it was the perfect mix of savoury and sweet; also a good fry dipped in ice-cream would send a victorian child into a coma. I remembering ordering a pizza, sneaking into the fridge and taking the chocolate chip ice-cream out from the freezer turning on Scream after my parents broke up. I sobbed thinking about how even the happiest of couples could have a broken relationship and that i was doomed to have a failed relationship with boyfriends in the future (which is funny considering i have dated a cheat, a boy who smacked me in the face and recently one who threatened to kill my loved ones and then shooting at me) i manifested that shit.

My body stayed in an upright position staring out the window until we arrived at Roy's Pizza Parlour; i climbed out of the car with flash like speed and make my way into the busy restaurant. Our group of ten sat at two connected tables and since we were the last two to leave the paintball place there were only two seats left right fucking next to each other. My plan to try and stay away from him now have ceased to exist; i know i had made that flirty comment to him after i shot Randy but it was a moment of adrenaline and feeling powerful. Right now i wouldn't even be able to say such a thing to him, i push through the embarrassment and sit next to Harry; he was a pretty cute guy with light brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"Hey Harry," i say as i sit down, he looks at me with a bright pearly smile.

"Zoe! Hello, good job on the win by the way."

"Thanks, you guys were pretty hard to beat."

Rachel leans forward she sat across from Harry, "Honestly we should do it again and make it a thing."

"That sounds like a good plan," Zac chimes in, "I'm down."

Price takes a seat next to me, when he sits down his leg presses against mine and i instantly move it from him. It seemed like he didn't notice, so i try to keep my legs pressed together. My assumption turned out to be wrong when i feel a hand slide onto my thigh and open my legs pressing my right leg against his. I glance at him and he looks straight ahead at Randy who was in a conversation with Penny; i hated the fact i never told her exactly what happened because she wouldn't be talking to him right now. It wasn't something that she needed to know right now.

"How's Delilah?" I hear Penny ask.

Randy hums, "She seems to have moved past Micheal now, she's seeing a new guy."

"She moves quick," Zac chimes in, "Just like her brother."

Zac's eyes meet mine for a moment before they return to the menu, i sigh and pick up the menu in front of me trying to not think about Price's hand on my thigh still. I decide on the pepperoni pizza and some garlic bread for the table; when the waitress comes around i give her my order and Price gets the same thing.

"You like pepperoni?" I ask him, he nods not looking at me. Angrily i grab his hand and take it off my thigh and place it on his own, he looks down at me his eyebrows furrowed.

"Mr Price."

"Just call me Matt, Jackson."

"Sorry Matt, do you play video games?" Jackson asks, "Zac mentioned that you did."

Price nods, "Sometimes, when i have the time."

"We should play one time," He says, "Only if its okay for you to play with a student or is that weird?"

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