She reached up to her tippy toes and tapped his nose. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." She winked, reciting the words for the second time, causing a peal of low laughter from Park Jimin who adjusted her body so that she was standing on his shoes, instead of straining her body to reach his height.

"Will you promise to not attack me if I do?" He hummed, gesturing back to the time she pinned him onto the couch just because he had snapped one picture of her. He wondered what her reaction would be if she discovered he had not only saved the picture onto his computer, but also backed it up with multiple flash drives and disks, then had a version printed out, lamented, and stored away in an indestructible safe.

Yang Marco didn't want to look at their loving scene any longer, for if he did, he feared he might puke blood.

How could these youngsters blatantly ignore him? His irritation slightly thawed out when he saw the serene and genuinely happy expression on his granddaughter's face. It was the first time ever since she had gotten here from the hospital did she smile like that. The anxiety he felt for her was put to ease upon seeing her bright expression. Perhaps letting this Park Jaymin into the house wasn't so bad after all...

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat, clearly catching their attention. "The dishes are getting cold." He pointed out, walking to the dining hall, accompanied by Rosè Yang who managed to break away from Park Jimin's grip.

An unhappy expression fell on Park Jimin's face when he saw how eager his woman was at leaving him, but his grim expression lightened when he realized she was being a filial granddaughter by supporting Yang Marco, despite the fact that the Elder clearly didn't need help, but pretended to just so he could have his granddaughter worry over him.

At the dinner table, Park Jimin felt neglected. While Rosè Yang was busy deboning the chicken and peeling the shrimp for her grandfather, Park Jimin's bowl of rice was empty. She tended to her grandfather, while Park Jimin continued to pile dishes onto her plate.

"My dear, you also have to eat." He said, his lips tugging down into a slight scowl. His eyes swirled with aggravation upon seeing she had barely touched her food the entire night. She was already too skinny as it is.

Rosè Yang paused and noticed her bowl was filled with dishes to the brim, ranging from all sorts of protein and vegetables to the perfectly deboned fish. She chuckled upon hearing his sullen tone. He looked like an abandoned and lonely child in desperate need of love.

"I'll eat, I'll eat. Don't get mad over something like this." She mused, picking up the chopsticks and digging into the food.

"Take bigger bites." He instructed. "Here, you should have more of the ginger-boiled quail eggs. The sea cucumber, abalone, and Japanese flower mushroom soup is very nutritious. Drink some." He poured her a hot bowl of soup, continuing to hover over her like an obnoxious pest that wouldn't go away.

He saw her take small, elegant bites and continued to nag, "We're not in public, you don't have to worry about your image." He ranted while placing cauliflower and bok choy into her bowl, the mountain of dishes piling up.

"Park Jimin!" She exasperated, her eyes going dizzy at the food he was trying to force her to eat. "I can't eat that much." She sighed, picking up the spoon to drink the soup just so that he could stop boring a hole into her head.

"Then, eat the healthiest items first. The soup is packed with—"

"Yeah, yeah, nutrition. I know." She mumbled, finishing the bowl of soup and then attempting to tackle the food mountain in front of her. She warily stared at it.

"You don't have to finish it all." He said, patiently waiting for her to start eating the vegetables to which she finally relented and did. "But at least eat a big portion of it."

After eating for a while, she noticed he didn't touch most of his food. "You're not going to eat?"

"I'll eat after you finish your bowl." He firmly said, his words shocking her to the core.

He was the Park family's Young Master, the treasure of their family! To say he would eat lastly scared her. This man probably grew up sitting at the head of the table and enjoying the first bite of everything delicious, yet here he was, willing to eat the leftovers for her!

"You have to eat as well." She shook her head, placing down her chopsticks which earned a fierce glare from Park Jimin's direction.

As he had done for her, she deboned the ginseng poached chicken, perfectly peeled the shrimps for him, and scooped fish into his bowl. She concentrated on placing the best of the best onto his plate.

She was completely unaware of the delight within Park Jimin's eyes. His lips twitched, a grin threatening to break out upon seeing her pamper him. It was as if the sun was shining upon him because the overwhelming happiness he had in his eyes was hard to miss.

Even Yang Marco couldn't help but snicker upon seeing this. This poor boy was so neglected by his granddaughter to the point of where simply placing food into his bowl was enough to make him this happy. He had to admit, his granddaughter was good at making Park Jimin work for her. This granddaughter of his was truly remarkable.

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