An Empire of Roses

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Yes, I'm still here. And no, I will not be consistent.

Windy Hill, Outskirts of Rome

Ah Rome. They say all roads lead there, but Idris didn't like the idea of an Emperor. Too much power for one person. Personally he was more of a lead yourself kinda guy, but when in Rome? Do as the Romans did.

Idris grunted as he felt a weight on his back as he slowly opened his eyes. He lazily looked around the area, noting how peaceful it was. He looked at his back and saw Tamamo sitting on it. He sighed in annoyance as he stood up, causing Tamamo to get off his back.

Ritsuka, Mash, Saber, and Ruler were close by. They were talking to Romani about something. Idris tried to listen but grew annoyed when he saw a couple Roman soldiers run towards the hill they were on.

"Listen, I'm not explaining anything to these guys," Idris told Tamamo as the soldiers slowly came up the hill. Ritsuka and the others also watched as Idris summoned an unnamed spear. Just in case.

"Do you even speak Latin?"

"Used to," Idris replied, gauging the distance and reinforcing his arms, "Personally I'm more of a Greek guy. Has better legends."

Idris saw swords get drawn as the soldiers grew close, so he instinctively reeled his arm back before throwing the spear into the lead soldier's throat. The other soldiers hesitated for a second before charging forwards. Idris sighed as Saber appeared in the middle of the group and quickly incapacitated them.

Tamamo just looked at Idris confused, he just seemed different. Mash and Ritsuka just stared at Idris warily, mentally noting this down to tell Roman.

Idris stared at the bodies before he walked to the one he impaled through the throat. He grabbed his spear before yanking it out of said throat. The sounds of battle could still be heard and the group immediately rushed to the top of the hill only to see two massive armies clashing. Idris almost didn't notice a figure almost single-handedly holding one of the armies off by themselves. Almost.

"Roman," Idris spoke, knowing that the man was seeing this too, "Is that a servant?"

"No. That's not a servant," Roman spoke, "Everything is saying that she is human."

"She? What Roman hero is a she?"

"I don't know, but we might as well find out."

As the device turned itself off Idris noticed that he was alone. As everyone else had already ran off to help the lone fighter. He was starting to question why he even tagged along because they seemed to handle things perfectly fine.

Before he could even join them the fight was already over. Idris, who had put on a steel cuirass, walked on over to at least know who she was.

As he was about to speak he faintly heard a roar of a man. It put him on edge because that scream was one of a man turned beast. He quickly turned around and met red eyes surrounded by black. Aqua met red as Idris stared in fear. An arm already near his neck. The tanned skin and golden armor put Idris in a state of shock as he was grabbed by the throat and lifted up into the air.

He struggle to breathe as he felt the hand get tighter around his neck. He frantically kicked and clawed at the man, but the grip never loosened. No one was close enough or fast enough to stop the man from simply snapping his neck. Idris watched as memories flew by his eyes, everything good and bad.

The man grew an evil smile as Idris's eyes grew wide. Idris struggled harder as his other hand was moving to arms his chest. He saw the man's arm move back before it was thrusted towards his chest and he felt something get ripped out of him.

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