at the funeral

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At every occasion,
I'm ready for the funeral
At every occasion of one billion day funeral

"Charlie's eldest would like to say a few words."

"My name is Ilsa Swan. Many of you know me as Noelle but I was just Elly to my father, Charlie is...was someone who I would never able to stop talking about. The fact that I am only able to say a few words is not enough. He was a great man we all know that...but today I don't want to talk about his greatness but about his faults."

Ilsa stopped to catch her breath between her fallen tears. She looked over her congressional that has gathered to memorialize Charlie. Renee in the front holding Bella, Billy, the pack, the Clearwater family, Cora and more people than Ilsa could count.

"Charlie had faults, a lot of them. His dad jokes, his awkward moments, his inability to confront people but his biggest...his biggest was his kindness and love. Charlie loved everyone in this town as they were his own. He gave his all for all of us. When the bears infiltrated the town Charlie was determined to stop it. His loyalty to fault dragged him the woods in-search of those beasts and I could not name a more Charlie moment than him giving all he could for the people he loved and cared about. Knowing that we are all here safe and sound is what Charlie would have wanted and he probably never would change the outcome. I will forever miss Charlie...I will forever miss my father."

Ilsa looked up at the crowd again. She noticed she hadn't looked at any one during her speech. Tears were a common sight today. Heavy hearts and heavy eyes were the theme.

Sam quickly got up from his seat and helped Ilsa back to hers. Ilsa had decided to sit on the other side of congressional with the pack instead of being by Bella's side.

It was a dark day in Forks. The people had lost someone near and dead to them. Someone who they would always count on in times of need. Someone who they all knew by heart and cherished. But such is life and all of its tragedies.

Charlie Swan was put to rest next to his kin at Forks Cemetery. Deep red roses were placed on his casket as it was slowly lowered into the ground far away from the living. Ilsa was one of the only few that stayed long after the ceremony was over. Everyone else has reconvened back at the Swan residence for the memorial service.

"He is truly gone."

"He is sweetheart." Sam replied. He engulfed Ilsa into a deep hug.

"I miss him so much." Ilsa rasped out through her grief.

"I know."

Back at the Swan residence the other Swan sister was being comforted by her person of choice.

"Sweetie, you are going to love Jacksonville. There is nothing for you here anymore."

Renee had thought it was appropriate to bring up the sore topic with Bella.

"No. I'm not leaving! My life is here now mom."

"Honey, what life? Edward is gone and Charlie...Charlie would have wanted to move on."

"How could you say that? The service isn't over yet and you are already asking me to move on?!"

"I just want what is best for you Bella."

"And what about Ilsa?"

"Noelle is staying. She can do whatever she wants."

"Ilsa mom. Her name is Ilsa."

"Ilsa, Noelle, call her the wicked witch of the north with that new hairdo! I don't care. I care about you Bells."

"She is your daughter! How can you say that!"

"Bella you are moving to Jacksonville and that is final!"

"No I am not. I am eighteen I can do whatever I want and I am not leaving Ilsa!"

"Bella, sweetheart, she is not the person you think she is. Whatever she is, she is not your friend."

"She is my sister and I am staying here by her side."

"She will hurt you if you stay Bella."

"She is my sister she would never hurt me!"

"She blames you for everything sweetheart and now she is going to blame you for your father's death. Do you really want to be alone with her?"

"She blames me for Charlie's death?"

"Yes sweetheart. Why do you think she didn't sit with us at the funeral? She is cold-hearted monster and she will hurt you."

"She...she wouldn't. She is my sister. You are lying!"

"I am your mother Bella you will listen to me and leave this godforsaken town!"

"No...No I won't."

Renee harshly grabbed a hold of Bella's wrist.

"Do not make me repeat myself Bella. Please baby I don't want you to get hurt."

"Mom let go you are hurting me!"

"I'm not leaving alone with that monster! No!"

"Mom...please let go."

"Let her go Renee." Come a third voice amid the mother-daughter fight.


"It's Ilsa. But I understand why your pea-brain cannot comprehend someone's new identity." Ilsa replied.

"Now, I don't like repeating myself...let her go."

"No! She is coming back with me"

"No I don't. Please mom I don't want to. Ilsa please!" Bella pleaded with tear stained cheeks.

"Charlie left the house for Bella and I, and if she wishes to stay you will have no legal obligations."

"How dare you tell me what I can and cannot do! You spoiled brat!" Renee raised her hand to hit Ilsa in a fury; however, Ilsa was quick to grab Renee's arm mid-air.

In her shock and surprise at Ilsa's action Renee said, "what are you doing! Let me go!"

"This will your first act of motherly love. You will let Bella do whatever she desires and you will do so with a smile on your face...or I swear to the heavens Renee you don't want to see me angry."

Renee was taken a back by Ilsa's new outspoken nature. She was further terrified by the fact that Ilsa was no longer wearing gloves.

"Ilsa...please...sweetheart I am your mother."

"You were never my mother. Never once did you show me love or affection. You are hateful and pathetic." Ilsa spat at Renee with no remorse in her eyes.

Amidst all of these revelations Renee started to feel a cold sensation on her arm. The feeling was fleeting at first but it started to feel unbearable. It felt as if a thousand needles were being prickled into her wrist.

"Please, please, please let me go! Let go!"

Renee pleaded with all her might. She tried to manipulate Ilsa with false words and empty promises but it was to no avail. Renee was nothing to Ilsa. Ilsa held no emotions towards her.

"Let her go sweetheart." Sam whispered. He placed his hand on Ilsa's shoulder. Ilsa immediately let go of Renee arm, who fell back due to imbalance in her step.

"You will leave Forks and will only come back on Bella's express invitation...and do not make me repeat myself." Ilsa finally warned Renee and stepped out of the room not before glancing at her sister and saying one last word, "you are welcome to stay at our home. I bear you no harm Bella."

And that was the end of Ilsa's story path with her cruel and deceptive birth mother.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love you all.

I truly appreciate all the support pouring into this project. Thank you all for the love and support!

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