a witch? or a troubled human

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Introduce a little anarchy

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos.
The Joker

"So she is a witch?"

"Witches don't exist Emmett!"

Emmett looked at his goddess-like wife and replied, "Sure, Rose. Why would I think witches exist! I should stop at vampires, werewolves and shift-"

Rose elbowed her husband causing him to leave his sentence unfinished.

"Oh, come babe."

Emmet dug his nose in the nape of her neck. Inhaling her scent and wrapping his burly arms around her waist.

Rose was a hothead. But Emmett was her ice-pack. She couldn't stay mad at him but that didn't mean he didn't annoy her sometimes.

Emmett trailed kissed down her neck causing her to smirk. She turned around in his arms and looked deep in his golden hue eyes. He smiled back at her. Emmett always had such a warm smile. Even after his transformation he always carried his pure, kindred soul with him. That was one of the things Rosalie was grateful; how he didn't change THAT much.

She went on her tip-toes and kissed her lover. Emmett in return deepened their kiss. Savouring every moment of it.

While, the couple was engrossed in their own little word. Edward brought the attention back to the "pressing" matter at hand:

The curious case of Noelle Swan.

"Carlisle I have never felt anything like it. She had this aura about her and when I went to touch-"

As if a red, hot poker was inserted in her throat Rosalie immediately stoped her affections with her paramour. In one swift motion she went straight for her brother, glaring at him.


Rosalie wanted to grab him by the throat and throw him across the room and she would have if it wasn't for the mammoth strength of her husband holding her back.

"Calm down Rosalie." Edward seethed at his pretend-sister. "I didn't do anything."

"No, no, of course you haven't. You just barged into an unconscious girl's room and decided to touch her because she 'mesmerized' you?!"

At this point, Rose was a mountain of anger.

She was angry at Edward for dragging an unsuspecting human into their world.

She was angry that he was controlling every aspect of Bella's life.

She was angry that he refused to accept the consequence of his actions.

She was angry at his continued questionable actions.

Rosalie Lillian Hale was angry.

"Rosalie" Esme spoke in a calm fashion. The Cullen matriarch placed her hand in her daughter's shoulder. "Let us hear Edward, hm?"

Rosalie backed away from Edward while Emmett ushered them to the farthest corner he could. In the Cullen house, Emmett was the strongest but he would never try to outmanoeuvre his wife and truth be told Edward was due for a beating. It's like every decades the vampire required one, Emmett thought to himself. His thoughts were obviously read by Edward, who has no respect for privacy or consent. Edward grimaced towards Emmetts direction and returned back to his conversation with Carlisle.

"Carlisle, there is something strange about her. Her hair changed colour in seconds and I swear I saw her eyes do the same."

Edward took an unneeded breath before continuing.

"Bella said"-

Rosalie visibly scoffed at the mention of his attention-needing pet human.

"Bella said that Noelle was involved in an accident down at a frozen lake and ever since she has been acting like a cold, monster."

The blond Cullen rubbed his chin, taking in the information his son exposed to them. While, there have been cases of humans possessing supernatural strength, like Alice and even Edward himself it is not to such a high degree.

"Carlisle, please tell me you are not listening to the  bullshit Edward spews!" Rosalie yells from the corner she was standing in.

"While, cases of supernatural strength is not uncommon in humans I have never met one with the symptoms you have described my son."

Carlisle takes a gander at this living room. Alice and Jasper cuddled on couch, Rosalie and Emmett standing together practically inseparable, and his beautiful wife comforting him. The only person missing from this sort of serenity was his son, Edward.

"However, I do not know much about Noelle Swan. But, as leader of this coven I want all of to stay away from her. Especially, you, Edward."


"No, Edward. Noelle Swan sounds troubled and in great deal of pain from her past trauma and I do not want to subject the poor child to more confusion and complexity. So you all will steer far away from her."
Carlisle placed his verdict and it was done. No one dared to go against him.

Rosalie smirked. She was happy that at least one of the Swan twins would be living a normal, human life.

"Bella will also be living a human life!" Edward yelled back, hearing Rose's thoughts.

"Get a grip Edward! if Victoria hasn't already informed the Volturi that her mate was killed to protect a measly human, what makes you think the Volturi haven't already heard of the Cullen's pet human!"

Both Cullen siblings seething from hot rage. Their temperaments rivalled each other.

"Enough!" Esme whisper-yelled at the two. If Carlisle ever yelled you knew you were in trouble but if Esme was the one to yell you knew that it was bad. It was unequivocally bad!

"I will not have my children fighting. Separate yourself from this situation and calm yourself. This will not be tolerated! Am I clear?"

After a moment of silence. Esme repeated herself.

"I said, AM I CLEAR?!"

A chorus of 'yes' was heard throughout the Cullen household.

But what the Olympic coven didn't know was that this was the not the end of the fighting but a sneak peak into their future.

Ice Veins; Ice HeartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ