attention teacher!

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you just want attention
you don't want my heart

The angry blond king growled. Unfazed by their godly appearance, Ilsa, sharp-tongued and unyielding, was not going to tolerate any disrespect. Before she could respond, a blur rushed past, removing the blond king from his throne and her line of sight.

Turning around, Ilsa witnessed the king gripping the guard who had approached her by the throat, holding him defenceless mid-air. The king's protectiveness was evident as he warned the guard, Santiago, not to stalk her again. Santiago could only stammer his compliance, and the king released him with a force that cracked the marble foundation upon impact.

While Ilsa contemplated the strange display of the king's protectiveness, the blur returned, bringing the blond king mere inches from her face. She noticed his hand brushing strands of hair behind her ear and lifting her gaze to meet his. Towering over her, he left her neck exposed as she became captivated by him.

The blond king spoke to Ilsa as if they were the sole beings of importance as if the vast hall contained only the two of them. Meeting his eyes, Ilsa felt a sudden connection, relieving some of the unease and pain she was feeling earlier. Though she still had questions about the king's unusual behaviour, another blur rushed towards her.

This time, it was the previously sad king, his eyes now brimming with happiness and joy. He stood behind her caressing her shoulders as he placed a soft and gentle kiss on them.

"How I have wilted away waiting for you, my moon." The sad king spoke. He expressed his longing for Ilsa, referring to her as his moon. Another piece clicked into place within her, bringing clarity and a sense of completeness. Yet, she sensed the presence of another missing piece.

Looking beyond the sad king, she saw Aro, the usually enthusiastic king, with a sorrowful gaze. As their eyes met, the final missing piece settled in her heart, alleviating her pain. Ilsa reached out to Aro, seeking his presence and touch.

"I'm afraid I cannot," Aro stoicly responded.

Unable to verbalize her feelings, Ilsa whimpered, feeling the loss of Aro's touch. The other kings shared her pain, and Aro, clutching his chest, seemed to experience the consequences of his decision.

"Aro, you must not reject her request!" the blond king exclaimed.

"I cannot, brother! She deserves her privacy, and I will not invade it!" Aro's prideful declaration was accompanied by his wincing in pain.

"Privacy?" Ilsa asked softly.

"Aro possesses tactile telepathy, tesoro," the sad king explained.

"He can instantly read your memories and thoughts with a mere touch," emphasized the blond king.


"It is not that I do not wish to feel you, mi amore...heavens only know how much my own heart yearns for you, but I cannot."," Aro said regretfully.

"Gloves might solve this dilemma, Marcus," the blond king suggested.

"I do not think so, brother. Any form of physical contact would trigger his ability," Marcus responded.

"Then we shall cover all his exposed skin with a shawl!"

"I refuse to be wrapped like a stuffed burrito, Caius!" Aro retorted.

"How would you even know what that is!"

"You are impossible, Caius!"

As the kings argued, the world around Ilsa started spinning. Their exchanges did little to help her, as they bickered like toddlers despite being rulers of the vampire race. Lost and confused, Ilsa found herself in a land governed by vampire rules, where the kings, whom she wanted to hold, were embroiled in a childish dispute. All she truly desired was to embrace the kings, even if it meant sacrificing everything she had ever known.

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