red eyes, red eyes, red eyes

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be careful not to mess with the balance of things,
because everything is not what it seems.

"Alice, mind slowing down?"

"Sorry, Ilsa, but we have to hurry!"

"I'm guessing you didn't rent this car?" Bella asked.

"I assumed you wouldn't be opposed to a little grand theft auto?"

"Not today!"

"Alice!" Ilsa shouted once again as Alice swerved a little too close towards the edge of the hill.

"Sorry, Ilsa. I'll try to be careful."

Driving on the outskirts to reach Volterra was the experience of a lifetime. Alice was at the wheel, driving like a madman with nothing to lose, Bella sat in the front, holding her knees to her chest, trying her best not to hyperventilate and Ilsa sat in the back, holding herself back from sinking ten thousand feet down into the earth. 

Boarding the plane, flying to Italy, and de-boarding the plane had only brought an ever-deep sinking feeling for Ilsa. A pit had started to grow within her heart, and the deeper the trio followed into Volterra the pit started to writhe and struggle. It constricted her breathing making it harder to survive the scorching sun that blazed upon them.

So, Ilsa focused on her breathing to make sure that she didn't turn Alice's new car into an ice capsule, due to her anxiety. Ilsa paid no heed when Alice was suddenly stopped by the Polizia, nor when she instructed Bella on where to find her sparkling diamond of an idiot boyfriend. Ilsa was only brought back to the land of the living when Alice helped her out of the car and wrapped a beautiful red cloak around her body.

Ilsa looked up to meet Alice's gaze beneath her sunglasses.

"The heat is affecting you and your powers. I believe the cloak will help. Come on!"Alice reassured Ilsa.

To help defeat the heat Ilsa was dressed in a short satin white dress. It complimented her soft and long white hair. Something simple and elegant for the Italian climate.

Alice grabbed Ilsa's hand and guided her through the maze of people, and finally, they came upon a large set of oak doors. Alice slightly pushed on a door to break the seal on the other side and entered.

They were greeted by a sight of Edward and a scared Bella standing at his side. They were in a heated discussion with two other vampires dressed in black attire. The two other vampires were formal and poised. They held positions of power, guessing by their stance and manner of speaking.

"Ilsa, why don't you take your sister and enjoy the festival?" Edward spoke, casting a side eye at Ilsa with a look that spoke more than a thousand words.

"Yeah, come on, Bella, let's go enjoy the festival." Ilsa tried to pry Bella from the situation

"The girls, come with us."

"Uh, the girls can speak for themselves, and no, they are not." Ilsa sharply replied, having been offended by the taller one's audacity.

"We weren't asking human."

"I am not human, vampire." Ilsa sneered at the shorter one making sure the room was aware of her luminescent eyes that shined in response.


A girl, no more than 15, with a slick blond bob, entered the scene. She commanded the room with such authority even the other two slightly bowed at her presence while the fear that radiated from Alice and Edward told Ilsa all she needed to know about this child's abilities.

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