la confrontation (part 2.)

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The porcelain rose is not as pretty as the one who decays - unknown

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The porcelain rose is not as pretty as the one who decays
- unknown

"What is it do you think you are doing?"

Said the stranger.

Noelle was dead-silent. Her fears recognized the stranger. It was as if they could recognize the red flag that was oozing out of his entire being. Noelle's subconscious knew to protect her against him. The screech returned once again. She felt a wall of ice warped around her mind, crystallizing her every thought to protect her.


Jasper said.

He was stoic now. He stood in a defensive position in-front of Elle. He knew Edward knew. There had to be absolutely no way that Edward Cullen hadn't already figured out the new dynamic between Jasper and the Swan twin. Living with Edward all these years Jasper knew that he had no respect for privacy and he probably has been reading his thoughts the entire day.

Edward knew that Noelle Swan was Jasper's soul-sister and nothing could come between them. This fact infuriated him.

Jasper grabbed Noelle's wrist, softly and lead them out of the class, ignoring Edward's antic, who was seething with rage. His emotions were all over the place and Jasper could feel everything.

Suddenly, Edward pushed back Jasper to the wall opposite the door and in one swift motion shut the door as well. The two feral monsters now growling had each other by the throat.

They both failed to recognize the almost-terrified supernatural human standing in the corner, afraid for her soul-brother's wellbeing.

Through their vampiric speed Noelle could only pick-up on a few phrases.



As the anger in the room rose to a boiling temperature Elle's cold nature could not take it anymore.

Jasper had switched their positions. Edward had his back to the wall, trying to fend of Jasper's military strength and defensiveness. With ever nervous thump of Elle's heart Jasper's rage was fuelled. Edward was the cause of his soul-sister's fear and god be damned to the seven levels in hell, Jasper Hale was on the path of revenge.

Making sure Elle could not hear any of his savageness, Jasper whispered lowly so that only the vampire super hearing could understand.

"Nevr' again will you be nearing her or Ai will be killin your very darned soul."

Even in a lowly whisper Jasper's words were menacing. They were tainted with the Major's wisps.

Ever since Jasper met Alice, the Major has made almost little to no visits. Jasper felt comfort and peace alongside his wife, which kept the Major at bay.

In her wedding vows, Alice had promised to protect Jasper in all moments providing a semblance of peace to the Major. Her vow was so precious that Jasper remembers it to this very day,

Jasper, my love, on this day I promise to hold dear our every memories till the end of all-time as long as we both shall live.

When the Sun rises I will share the light with you and when it sets and the stars lit up the dark blue sky I will share the dark by your side.

And to my dearest Major, the one who has been protecting him all this time. I wish for you to hear my words. I vow to be his protector and saviour so you can rest. It is time my dear Major.

But now Edward, like a mindless little kid poking stick at a fire-breathing dragon, had inadvertently woken up the sleeping Major. He has woken up from his slumber, ready for blood and war.

Unlike Jasper, the Major could not, absolutely would fucking not give two flying shits about Edward's human pass-time. If Edward harmed a single hair strand on Noelle's head the Major would personally place Isabella's head on a pike and watch the guilt eat away at Edward's non-existent soul.

The Major was not a reasonable being nor was he a patient person. He would not wait until tomorrow if he was able to achieve the same results today. Even if the shortcuts were a result of murder and bloodshed. Results were results in the Major's eyes.

And Edward Masen Cullen knew full well about the Major's capabilities.


The sound of Edward's porcelain neck breaking was echoing in the classroom.

Jasper slowly backed away from his pretend-sibling with dark onyx eyes to revert his gaze back to his soul-sibling. She was standing tall. Not afraid or whimpering at the grotesque sight that was before her. Although, Jasper could feel fear from her it was not the same. She was not afraid for her own well-being but for her soul-brother. The one person she had come to trust in so little time.

Her reaction has softened Jasper's inner animal. He slowly walked to her.

Noelle looked deep into Jasper's eyes and after all that happened she was not afraid of him. She could never be. Elle felt a slight sensation on her hand. She looked down to see that Jasper held her leathered-gloved hand in his own. He brought his other hand to the back of her head and gave a light kiss on her forehead.

This action sent another wave of serenity over Noelle, which helped her extremely since her next period was coming up soon.

"Come on darling."

And with that the soul-siblings left the isolated classroom with a vampire who was strangled to his knees.

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