frost thy truth

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give me a second
to give me a breath

"What the hell is this!"

Bella screamed as she threw open Noelle's bedroom door.

Noelle was sitting on her armchair by her library, embracing herself into her book. She looked up to see a fuming Bella, holding an opened letter in her hand. Noelle knew exactly what Bella had discovered.

She knew this moment was going to happen sooner rather than later. Noelle just wished it was later; a lot later.

"Well, judging by the fact that you opened you know exactly what it is, sister."

"Don't do that Noelle! After all the shit you gave me for writing emails you didn't think to mention that you received letters?"

"No I did not think to tell you Bella."

"Why! Tell me just why!"

"I do not have to tell you anything." Noelle replied calmly. She shifted her gaze from her angry sister back to her book.

The truth was that ever since the Cullen's departure Jasper wrote to her constantly, and even sometimes the Major. But, Noelle never opened any of the letters. She compiled them in a box underneath her bed. She never wanted to read the letters. She did not want to read anymore of Jasper deception or false lies. She did not want to read his apologies or explanations.

"You know how desperate I am for anything from him, why would you not tell me about this, Noelle?"

"Bella...the letters are addressed to me, it is my decisions to do with them what I will."

"What does that mean?"

Noelle took a deep breath and replied, "it means that it is not your business what I do with them or who I tell. Now if you could please, get out."

"I thought we were bonding, I thought we were getting closer." Bella said teary eyed. She was sad that Noelle, the one person whom she had spent her sleepless nights with had been keeping such a secret from her.

"Bella...Bells I haven't read any of the letters. And it's not going to help if you do. You, and I need to move on Bella."

"How could you say that!" Bella screamed.

Noelle got up from her armchair and walked up to Bella. She put her gloved hands on Bella shoulders and looked at her sister's defeated look.

"They are not coming back Bella. He...HE is not coming back and no matter what those letters say it will change not that."

"For month Noelle, I have been writing emails to someone who isn't even there just asking, begging for a sign and you are sitting content by ignoring this?"

"It's not that easy Bella."

"I mean how hard could it have been Noelle? You have always been so cold-hearted."

"That's not fair... I have been there for you all this time! Me! Not your handy-dandy vampire ex! It was fucking me!"

"You lied!"

"Oh look who has a problem with lying now? Ms. I-fell-down-a-flight-of-stairs-and-lost-pint-of-blood! Don't get all sanctimonious on me Isabella."

The Swan siblings were engrossed in a bloody fight. The emotions were running feverishly high and words that flew out of their mouths wanted to sting.

Their fight went on, each accusing one another of meaningless crimes.

Bella was hurt by Noelle's such careless behaviour. Her sudden cold demeanour towards the Cullens. Bella could not understaffed why Noelle was acting such untoward the Cullens. Maybe her bond with Jasper was a facade? Bella thought to herself because how could Noelle just ignore Jasper's pleas like this.

"So you feel nothing toward them anymore? Is that it Noelle?"

"I don't want to spend the rest of my life pining after someone who lied to me Bells...and neither should you! He fucking left you in the woods!"

"Don't do that."

"Do what? Give you a reality check?"

"Reality check? Your the one who talk. You haven't even read what Jasper wrote because your so obsessed with moving on and acting like nothings ever hurts you!"

"Enough Isabella." Noelle hadn't mentioned Jasper's name in a while. His name had became he-who-must-not-be-named. The name was taboo in the Swan household.

"Dearest Noelle, I miss you sincerely and I hope you receive this letter in good health...."

Bella started to read off the letter to spite Noelle.

"Stop Bella!" Noelle screamed. Jasper's words were like daggers in her heart.

"I did not wish to leave in such a way.." Bella trailed away without needing Noelle's warnings

"I said STOP!"

Noelle emotions were out of control. She let her anger flow through her body and pass through an energy surge. It was as if an ice bomb had exploded inside her bedroom. Bella was pushed back against the wall by a heavy, cold force.

The blue energy surging through Noelle had overcome the bedroom. The letter in Bella's hand disintegrated into shards of ice. The scene was ungodly.

Bella rose from the awkward position looking at the monster that had replaced her sister.


"See...SEE what you have done!" Noelle's voice echoed through the bedroom. Her white irises glimmered with rage and pain. Her hair, white as a sheet of snow on the forest floor. White veins were escaping through her shirt to reveal themselves.

"I...I am sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Look what you did!"

A tornado-like event surged through the bedroom. Gusts of wind blew in a circular motion against the Swan's twins.

"Noelle. It's going to be fine. Just calm down!" Bella yelled through the strong wind that separated her and Noelle. Bella's vision was comprised. She couldn't see anything.

"Noelle!" Bella shouted one more time before a final blow pushed her back to the wall and the wind died.

Taking a few moments Bella opened her eyes but the room was empty. There were ice crystals formed on the wall, shards of broken glass on the floor and books ripped apart from the forceful wind but no sight of Noelle.

She had disappeared along with the ghastly winds.  

Bella quickly ran downstairs to confirm her suspicions. The front door was ajar.

Noelle was gone.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love you all.

Ice Veins; Ice HeartΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα