Ch. 15: Casual Encounters

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The following Monday Wally returned to work as usual. He had sent out an apology email to the entire staff at Big House regarding his recent behavior. The industry had made him cold, but not that cold. It was a wake-up call to his actions, and today it was time to start fresh, even if it was a bit sad.

Things seemed normal as he arrived at the building. He held a casual smile on his face gently greeting people as he passed them by before arriving at his dressing room.

No assistant meant no coffee, no fresh fruit, no organization, and more importantly no Daisy.

Letting out a sigh he opened the door to the fresh smell of his favorite coffee. His nose couldn't believe it but his eyes spotted a hot cup of his favorite coffee on his table as well as fresh-cut fruit on his coffee table.

"Who...?" The words came out of his mouth without warning.

Maybe it was a friend that did this for him, it was the only assumption he could make before getting ready as he was needed right on set. After hair and makeup finished he quietly made his way to studio 2.

The scene would be with Barnaby. The large dog sat in his chair on his phone waiting for it all to begin. People walked around putting the finishing touches on the set for the first take.

"Hey, Barns," Wally spoke with a soft smile on his face, "Listen, I need to —"

"I'm gonna stop you right there." Barnaby spoke up, "Don't worry about it. Okay?"

"That's not— I was —"

"Nope nope nope," The dog shook his head, "I get it, buddy. I'm just glad you're lookin' better. Let's rock the cameras today."

The star smiled taking his seat next to Barnaby. They began to chat about other topics while they waited.

"Oh! By the way, we got a cast assistant!"

"...a cast assistant?"

"Yeah, to help us all out here and there. She's real nice."

Wally wasn't sure about getting another assistant. The idea partially bothered him, now it made sense why he had his coffee and fruit made up in his room.

"That sounds...nice..." He attempted to give a reassuring smile. "Hopefully she'll feel welcomed here."

"I'm sure she will, you actually might know her."

"Really? What's her name?"

Daisy walked up from behind Barnaby with an extra large coffee in hand, "Alright my blue friend, I got you the biggest cappuccino I could find around here. Funny enough they have a place just around the corner."

Wally's mouth fell partially open staring at Daisy.

"Thanks, Dais," Barnaby smiled. "Perfect as always."

"Daisy..." Wally spoke softly, astounded. "You quit."

"I quit, as your assistant, however," She pulled a bright red apple from her bag and placed it in his hand, "There was a new position opened as the cast assistant. Isn't that something?"

He couldn't stop staring with his eyes widened.

Barnaby gently lifted his chin to close his mouth, "You're going to catch flies like that."

"If you boys will excuse me, Poppy asked me to deliver a sample of her new kitchen aprons before they go on sale. You guys should see them, they're adorable."

She waved the two off before walking away.

"Barnaby, what did you do?" The star turned to his friend.

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