Ch.10: Sick as a Dog

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Wally's blushing face stuck in her mind all through filming the next few days. It always crept up upon seeing him, and curiosity. Since that day he was a bit nicer. His comments weren't necessarily mean, but playful over all. There seemed to be a comfort growing between them, or she had hoped. He was still extremely hard to read at times.

While she was getting ready for her morning shift a phone call came through, William Home.

"Good morning, Mr. Home, how can I help you?" 

"Maybe some good news for you on this Friday morning. The studio is shut down for the day."

"Shut down?" She stopped what she was doing, "Was there a fire? Did something happen?"

"Half the cast is sick, including our Wally. Fridays are usually half days for most of the staff so Big House decided to just shut down, get them some rest."

"That's no good," She sighed, "I appreciate you letting me know so early. I'd hate to show up for nothing."

"Well —"

"Oh no..."

"I need you to head over to Wally. When he's sick he tends to — kind of mope. Extra spicy too. Just check on him, you know, since I can't."

Daisy nodded, "I can do that, Mr. Home."

"Do you have his address?"

"Uh, somewhere in my files I do. I'll head over a bit later in the morning."

"Perfect, alright, I'll leave you to it, have a nice weekend Miss. Dukes."

"You too, Mr. Home."

She hung up and stared down at her items, framed pictures from poker night as they had a group picture done. It was obvious she couldn't post this photo online, however she wanted everyone to have one.

The clock read 4:05 AM. It was perfect opportunity to sleep in some as the last days on set had left her more tired than usual.

Hours later Wally was doing just as Mr. Home said he would be, moping around. He didn't do well with being sick and when it happened it was bad. The miserable part came from multiple reasons, being sick in general and missing work.

What irritated him further was the repeated ring of his doorbell.

He lived at the top of an apartment building, the whole floor to himself. Three floors, the third being a pool on top of the building that over looked part of the city. With the money he made it was quite easy to afford it.

Taking his time he threw on his robe and made his way to the door wondering who was authorized to come to his floor.

He opened it up to see Daisy with multiple grocery bags in each hand, smiling at him.

"Afternoon, Mr. Darling!"

He stared at her for a moment, "Why are you here?" 

"It was your managers request. Can I come in?"

"No, now go home."

"What!? I traveled across the city, bought all this nonsense and you're sending me home?"

"I never asked you to come. I don't even know how you have my address let alone the authorization to come up here." He leaned on the doorway.

"Like I said, take it up with Mr. Home, also," She signaled to her scarf he had given her wrapped around her neck.

He paused looking at her, then heard the rain begin to hit the window in his home, "Fine, take your— just wipe your feet."

Wally turned and walked back inside, he clapped his hands turning on the lights inside. Immediately Daisy was greeted with the living room. A conversation pit with a fire place. Funky shaped couches and chairs. A small area for reading and a large TV. Directly to the right was the kitchen with a bar counter that over looked the living room.

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