Ch. 5: Testing

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"Girl, I thought you died," Cindy spoke as Daisy walked into the store. "All week, not a word from you."

Daisy yawned approaching the counter, "Maybe it's the first week, but this job is kicking my ass, Cindy."

"How is it working with the big star?"

"He's a horses ass."


"I mean, not to everyone but holy hell." Daisy leaned on the counter. "I did nothing right according to him this week even though I followed all the directions. He's so nit-picky I can't take it!"

"I'm sorry, hon." Cindy sighed placing a hand on her shoulder, "I know you were really excited."

"It's still exciting! Actually, I've been talking to Howdy Pillar at work a lot. He's really sweet."

"You're telling me you're friends with my favorite actor of all time and you just casually talk to him? Daisy Dukes!" She scolded her friend.

"Dude, you don't understand. I come home and clock out immediately after I eat, wake up at 4 AM and start all over. It is nothing but Wally from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep."

"...but is the pay good?"

"The pay is incredible, I can't give this place up. Unless he fires me first."

"Well, one week down, that's more than a lot have lasted."

Daisy shrugged, "I plan on revamping his lists over the weekend to make the work easier for me."

"I'm sorry lists? The man has lists?" Cindy raised a brow.

"A morning list and afternoon list, yes."

"Honey, I don't envy you at all."


The weekend came and went and Daisy spent most of it either preparing for the following week or catching up on sleep. She had no time for things she liked and barely had the time to go and get groceries.

When Monday rolled around she was more confident than ever. An accurate map, re-written notes, papers, binders, folders, and nonsense she would need on the job.

Arriving at 5 AM Daisy prepared everything on the time schedule then went to her office to wait. It seemed as though she had completed over half the list for the morning early leaving her alone.

Searching through her desk she looked around for clues or hints the previous assistants had left behind, any tid-bit of information that would help her out.

As she searched her phone began to vibrate , a number on the screen she was unfamiliar with.

"Uh— Hello?"

"Miss. Dukes, how are you?"

"I'm good...who is this?"

"My names *William Home, I'm Wally's manager. I'm sorry I couldn't be there yesterday for your first day. I usually get there about once a month."

"Once a month?"

"I'm a busy man, sweetie. Wanting to call you and see how things went last week."

She paused, "They could have been worse. I think I'm growing on him."

Daisy rolled her eyes continuing her search in the drawers.

"Good, good, I'm glad to hear. Make yourself at home in that office. Do what you'd like, I'm sure you're in there a lot."

"You have no idea."

"Anyway, can't hang around, I gotta go, call or text if you need me, toots!"

"Alright, thank you, Mr. Home."

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