Ch.2: A New Beginning

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Wally Darling had two sides to him, his childrens personality he presented at events and on TV then, the real Wally. The one behind the scenes, an asshole. Not to everyone though, but to the ones who think deserved it. He is known to be extremely hard to work with and most staff are afraid of him. Especially his assistants. Typically, they don't last more than 2 to 3 weeks before quitting or being fired.

That didn't scare Daisy Dukes, a muppet who dreamed of working on the set of Welcome Home. She knew everything about all the characters, both in the show and in their personal lives. She was ready to take on the task and was confident she would be the FIRST to stay.

Daisy had an "in" as her Uncle was friends with Barnaby B. Beagle's manager. She was fortunate enough to meet the show dog a handful of times and each interaction was pleasant as his demeanor was similar to his show appearance. With a few phone calls Mr. Beagle got her the opportunity to work with the big star.

"Are you nervous?" Cindy questioned her friend Daisy as she cut the thorns off a rose.

"Not at all. I know my stuff," Daisy smiled proudly.

"And what will I do without my best worker?"

"Oh come on, I don't do much more than hang out with you." She hopped up onto the counter.

"Again, what will I do without my best worker?"

The two laughed together.

Cindy owned a flower shop in New York City right new Central Park. She was Half human, half muppet as her father was a human and mother was a muppet. She had a dark complexion like her father but bright pink her like her mothers.

Daisy had been working for her for a few years since she moved to the big city to be close to the show and where they filmed it.

"I do have a help wanted sign up. It does get busy here, especially this time of year."  Cindy gathered the cut roses placing them in a vase then began cleaning up the cut thorns on the counter.

"Have you ever thought of expanding? Getting a bigger store for yourself?"

"It costs a lot of money, I've been saving though." She walked to the fridge placing it inside. "Before you go today I have something for you."

"Cindy," Daisy whined, "We talked about this."

"No, you talked about it, I just didn't listen to you." She pulled out a perfect bundle of flowers creating a rainbow bouquet all brought together with some glitter and a golden bow.

"Cindy... is that for me? Really?" Daisy slid off the counter and accepted the flowers. "This has to cost over 100$. I can't take this."

"Take it as a bonus then. You've done too much for me over the years. I know you like daffodils!"

"Like? They're my FAVORITE flower." She smelled the bundle. "Alright fine, I'll keep it. I could dry them out when they start dying and frame them."

The two exchanged a tight hug that was bitter sweet for each of them.

Cindy always assured her if things didn't work out she could always come back and work with her which Daisy greatly appreciated.

At the end of their shift they exchanged goodbyes and went their separate ways. Daisy was ready to start the next part in her life as tomorrow morning she was now Wally Darling's assistant.

Daisy lived in a small apartment in the city. Despite New York's reputation the area wasn't bad and was full of friendly people, both humans and Muppets alike. They each knew her by name and would always say hello to her when passing by.

Upon returning home her phone began to wring, her Uncle.

"Hi Uncle T!" She answered tossing her bag onto the couch.

"Hey kiddo, how was your last day at work?"

"Bitter sweet."

"Are you ready for tomorrow? Are you nervous?"

"Absolutely not," She turned on the TV to the news. "I've been dreaming up this, T."

"I know you have kiddo. Don't let that Wally guys push you around either. I know his reputation just as well as you."

"It won't be bad. I'm sure of it. Mr. Beagle's manager will contact you in the morning before you get to the studio to go over some things."

"Things like?"

"Well, the do's and don'ts of the set. It's a busy place kiddo. You're not the biggest or tallest muppet either."

"We all can't be 8ft tall like you, Unlce T." She joked, "I have to get going, I need to be ready bright and early tomorrow."

"Alright, I'll call you tomorrow after your shift."

They exchanged goodbyes and I love yous before hanging up. Daisy walked to her bedroom and collapsed on her bed. She lied. She was nervous, but just as excited. There was a thwinge of fear in the back of her mind of failure and as her mind wondered over the idea of her new job her eyes began to slowly close until she was asleep.

It wasn't until the sun hit Daisy's eyes the next morning that she realized, she was awake, and she was going to be late.

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