Ch.9: On Location

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"You know," Jeffrey began, "You're pretty bundled up right now, but like, you seem cold."

Daisy bounced into him while on the bus, feeling miserable, "That's the only thing I don't like about living up north, Jeff. It's the cold."

"Yikes, you picked a bad spot to live."

"Don't remind me."

The bus pulled onto the set where multiple trailers were set up for each one of the stars to reside between takes. People walked around dressed much warmer than their normal indoor attire, but fall wasn't going easy on them either.

Daisy knew what she had to do once arriving, or hoped she knew, everything had to be perfect for Wally Darling, especially because it was off-set today.

After arriving she went around finding out specific times of each scene, food times, costume times, and anything else that would be needed from Wally.

It wasn't hard to find his trailer as it was custom to him, and the fact his name was on it. She entered with a wave of warmth hitting her face.

"Thank god..." She breathed.

"Ah, Daisy, there you are," Wally announced.

He stayed still as his makeup was being done for the morning scenes.

"Here I am," She pulled off her hat. "Alright Mr. Darling, do you know your morning schedule because I was the last to find out?"

"Hmmm... you seem irritated."

"Because I should be informed as your assistant of what I need to know and not have to ask everyone within a 10-mile radius." She paused, "I'm sorry Mr. Darling. I just wanted to be more prepared than finding out only a few hours ago." She paused again, "It won't happen again, Sir."

"Hmm... and no one told you anything? You had no clue we were traveling today?"

"No, or your list would have been completed upon arrival, however, your list applies generally to the studio, not a trailer. I have nothing out here."

"Well," Wally stood up from his seat, "There's a coffee stand for everyone near Sally's trailer, "Why don't you go over there and grab me a coffee for when I'm between takes."

"Cream and sugar?" She sighed standing up.

"Yes, now, hurry along, I'll be on set shortly."

"Yes, Mr. Darling."

Daisy walked out of his trailer, zipping up her coat as she walked down the steps. The coffee station was its own small building with a window that opened up. There an order was placed and picked up.

While at the window she picked out the closest thing to his normal coffee and prayed it was the temperature would be perfect for him.

"And for you, sweets?" The man asked.

"I don't care get me the same thing." She let out a long breath.

"He just EXPLODED." A worker spoke up. "Whoever it was, Wally laid into them, it was nuts."

Now Daisy was listening as it involved her boss's name.

"And when did this happen?" The other worker asked.

"Like a few minutes ago, something about his assistant not getting a schedule, man, I thought someone was going to die."

"You can't mess with him. Once you're on his bad side, you're done."

Their conversation continued but they had walked away.

"Anything else?" The man at the window spoke.

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