Ch. 6: Moving Forward

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"Barnaby isn't this a little much," Daisy laughed looking at her personal cake.

It read, "New Staff Record", as Daisy now had the longest running career as Wally's assistant ending week number 4.

"Okay, but it's chocolate flavored cake, the best kind of cake." The beagle assured. "You really have it all together now, dontcha."

"It's definitely a workout," She briefly thought about the nonsense he was putting her through.

"Y'know it's like Wally is a soccer player, right? And you're the goalie, and no matter what he does he can't get the ball past'ya!"

"This goalie is getting tired."

"It's all down hill from here kiddo!" He pat her back. "Not to mention it's been nice havin' yah around."

She leaned on her elbow, "Is it because I always scratch the right spot behind your ears?" A brow raised.

"Now listen, maybe that's PART of it all, but it's a little part, y'know?"

"What ever I can do to help, Barny." She paused, "All of the neighbors have been so...welcoming... since I came... I thought they all felt bad for me."

"Nope! They like yah! You're like the unofficial new neighbor!"

"If Wally heard you say that THEN I'd be fired." Her phone began to vibrate, "Speak of the devil."

She swiped the button and answered, "Hello  Mr. Darling, how may I assist you today?"

Barnaby began making silly faces while she was on the phone causing her to hold in a ligh.

"Where are you? I need you back to my dressing room. I'm between sets."

"I'm in Barnaby's room. He requested I come as he needed help with something. I'm just finishing up here I'll be back momentarily."

"Tell Barnaby he can keep you as long as he needs."

He hung up on her.

"I need to get going Barns. Can I swing by for the cake later?"

"Course, hon. Take it easy and enjoy your weekend!"

Daisy left saying goodbye and made her way back to Wally's dressing room. Upon entering he had one person fixing his hair and the other doing his makeup.

"Hello Mr. Darling, how can I be of assistance?"

He held his hand up signaling the others to stop, "Leave us be."

The two women left without a single word.

Daisy was curious was to why it had to be the two of them.

Wally leaned forward on his elbow looking at himself in the mirror, "It seems as though you've impressed me enough to have you around a bit longer."

Her mouth fell open slightly.

"That being said if you're going to be seen around me you need to dress more..." His eyes looked her up and down in the mirror, "Appropriate."

"Yes, Mr. Darling."

The star stood up then cracked his fingers, "Alright, follow me."

"Where are we going?"

"To costume and clothing of course. Let's see what we can do with your rags."

"Rags? You mean my clothing?"

"Oh, that's what you call them?"

She rolled her eyes and followed him along through the building. She'd been near costume and clothing but never in it. Upon entering the large room it was filled wall to ceiling with clothing on hangers. Every color of the rainbow and then some sat on hangers all around.

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