Chapter 1 💛

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I own nothing

-Percy .P.O.V.- ( 2 week after the giant war)

After the war the gods declared the rule about not being able to see their children stupid. Most (if not all) of them started to visit their children more, usually about 2 to 3 times a week. I was visited by many of the gods, mainly my dad (Poseidon duh), Apollo, Hermes and Hestia they would cheek if I was okay and see how I was holding. All I would do for the past week or so is stay in my cabin since the incident, now you might be wondering what incident could make the 2 time saviour of Olympus stay in his cabin? Well let me explain.

~~Flash Back~~

WE (The 7 + Nico) got back to camp were both Greeks and Romans were staying and got bombarded by questions like.

'Did we win?' (Isn't that kinda obvious?)

'Did anyone die?' (Sure all of us did that's why we are here...)

'Did you kick butt?' (No we had a picnic, I wish.)

'Ha bet they are nowhere as good as me' (The kid that said that had just walked out is POSEIDON'S cabin! Are you for real?!)

It keep going on before I had enough.

"SILENCE, if you want answers at lest give us time to answer and make your way to the camp-fire," I yelled you could see some people were scared of me, what am I that scary? I didn't have time to think until that new Poseidon camper came out with.

"And why exactly should we listen to you, you fraud I bet I could beat you after all I am Andrew awesome Son of Poseidon."

Did no one give him the memo that I don't care?

"Well I am Percy Achilles Jackson, Son of Poseidon, two time saviour of Olympus, defeater of Hades' furies, the Minotaur both with no training, I retrieve Zeus' bolt, visited the underworld countless times, defeated Ares, Hades and much more, I've sailed the sea of monsters, held Atlas, barer of the sky, surviver of the labyrinth, I've dipped in the river Styx, I battled Kronos and won but many lives were lost, then asked to be a God by the gods but I said 'no' and then I fought I could get a rest, but no then I but to sleep for about what? 9 months. I had my memories wiped and got sent to a Roman camp where I went on a quest to Alaska land beyond the gods, saved death and fought countless giants went back to Roman camp fought a war and won then made predator of their camp then I stopped a Greek and Roman war then cut to the chase fell into Tarturas to save my wonderful girlfriend Annabeth then fought Gaea and I'm just back and you call me a Fraud please," I replied my voice dangerously low. you could see everyone's eyes widened, I never lost control like this but the new kid, sorry my new BROTHER, was doing my head in and I was just back for Zeus' sake.

Just then 13 flashes of light came and the Olympians plus Hades were standing behind me.

"Hey sup?" I asked them trying to lighting the tension.

"We heard that conversation and thought the Poesidon punk might want to see us," Ares said.

"Wait what 'Poseidon Punk' cause as I recall that's my nickname from you, correct?" I asked.

"Well I changed it now your Ninja okay Ninja?" I rolled my Eyes.

"And why 'Ninja'?" I asked.

"Dono it sounds good. Don't question me!"

"wow kay " I reply not wanting a fight ..... right now.

"Well Poesidon Punk come here."

"Yes lord Ares," he said bowing I laughed 'lord' the 'bowing' please that is soo overrated.

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