Ch.37 Back on Track

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto/Boruto

I only own the PLot and Original Characters


*Chaos Saga*

*4 Tails Arc

*Narrator POV*

Sounds of arguing and shouting could be heard reverberating throughout the underground cavern. The shouting grew closer until we came upon a room only lit by torches. In the middle of the room was a long oval table with several people sitting around it shouting at each other. Except three of the individuals, the Hokage at the head who sat there in silence, his wife who sat at his left side, and his Shadow Hokage, the reason for this arguing on his right. Toshinori was processing this all as they argued over the news they received.

Not even an hour before, Izumi had reported what happened with Izuku. She didn't leave out any details in her report, she mentioned her conversations with Izuku, the possibility of his surrender and return, and Eri. However, what caused the arguing was the portion that mentioned the Konoha Anbu attacking Izuku and killing Eri resulting in Izuku's reignited vengeance and hatred. The class that had gone with her stood around the other edge of the room in case one of the council members had a question for them.

Treasurer: What the hell were you thinking? Now that brat is back to causing chaos because you wanted to play hero!

Aizawa: I did what I thought was necessary. If it had worked you would be praising me.

Inko: If it had worked I would have gutted you myself!

Inko slammed her fist on the table while standing up knocking her chair to the ground. This caused the arguing to increase in volume with Aizawa joining in as he argued with a pissed Inko. Toshinori still didn't say a word as he held crossed his finger while thinking deeply but was soon growing angry as the yelling increased in volume. 

Toshinori: ENOUGH!

He shouted as he slammed his foot on the ground causing the cavern to shake slightly and stopping the council members from arguing anymore. Izuku's class gulped feeling the power leak off of Toshinori, and seemed to stand straighter. Toshinori released a heavy sigh as he turned to his right-hand man.

Toshinori: Aizawa. Why did you do it?

Aizawa eyed his superior with a passive look before replying.

Aizawa: I did what I believed was the best option to protect Konoha. To kill the known threat of Izuku Uchiha while he was distracted, and to take care of the potential threat known as Eri Uchiha before it became a problem.  


Shoka stepped forward fuming with rage as the Shadow Kage just stared at her with little interest. Before she could step forward toward Aizawa, Izumi appeared behind her chopping her on the neck and knocking her out. Izumi was seething as well but knew this wasn't the right time to act on it. Toshinori sighed as he rubbed his temple fighting off a massive headache. 

Toshinori: Everyone is dismissed. I need to think this over, but for the moment Izuku Yagi is an S-class threat with a flee-on-sight tag on him. Bounty can be discussed at another time.

Toshinori got up and disappeared in a yellow flash not leaving it up to discussion. The council and guests soon started exiting all on high alert. The shadows scared them who knew when Izuku would begin his first attack.



A figure in a black cloak with his hood up walked slowly through a compound, lumbering through the corridors with very little care for what was around them. He walked into a laboratory, coming across Orochimaru experimenting with a weird-looking plant. Orochimaru turned and grimaced seeing the completely broken look on Izuku's face, Izuku didn't even say anything and dropped onto a chair hanging his head between his legs.

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