Ch.24 Set Forth

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto/Boruto

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator Pov*

*Tailed Beast Saga*

*5 Years Later*

Deep breathes with small ripples that cascaded across the lake he sat on. Focus, focus on every little thing around him. The fish below him where he sat, the hundreds of cats on the shore of the lake, the grass and trees themselves. Feel every single living thing around him that's the instruction he's been given for the past 5 years. Don't let anything cloud your mind make it as clear as water you sit on. He took another deep breathe as he felt the power start to accumulate at his core. Deep Breathe-

Shoka: Why did you kill us Izuku?

The water around him started to ripple frantically as Izuku clenched his fist and his veins bulging as he tried to focus. In his head in front of him was Shoka with a Kunai still lodged into her stomach with blood still oozing out of the wound. Izuku had a face of fear and regret as he backed up from the apparition.

Shoka: They were right about you. A monster, a parasite that should have been killed before it grew to strong.

Izuku: NO! Y-you forced my hand it was the only way!

Shoka: You could have left anytime but you wanted to make it seem like you were controlled? Are you that much of a coward that you can't even take responsibility for your actions? Do you think they'll take you back, they aren't your family. They don't even truly love you, the only reason you are alive is due to a Genjutsu.


Shoka: You've already made your decision Izuku Uchiha there is no turning back. The sooner you realize this, the easier it will be for you to realize that you aren't the hero of this story. Accept it you are just another stain in the history books that will be wiped by the heroes of this world.

Izuku: SHUT UP!

Shoka: Murderer.


Nemuri: Why kill the only person that would accept you? So you are like the rest of your clan just a bunch of murderers.


Izuku's chakra flared causing the water around him to explode and making him fall under the water. Raiden who was lying down on the shore watching Izuku couldn't help but release a sigh of disappointment.

Raiden: 'So close but still so far away.'

Jack the jaguar walked up next to Raiden staring at the lake where Izuku finally emerged from the bottom. Jack was way bigger now due to him being Izuku's personal summon. Before he was the size of a normal Jaguar, now he was easily the size of a small semi truck.

Jack: Still can't get it?

Raiden: No, he's still stuck at the incomplete part. He's definitely strong enough to obtain the perfected mode. His guilt and anger though are preventing him from obtaining it.

Jack: Hm. I see.

Izuku washed up on shore spitting out water as he knelt down trying to catch his breathe. Izuku calmed himself and walked towards the large boss summon with a wayward look as he avoided eye contact with Raiden. Raiden looked down on the human before sighing as he believed it was time. Young to Raiden Izuku was very clearly a man, a massive 6'2 muscular frame with a toned chiseled body with many scars littering his front torso and legs none on his back. His once semi curly long black hair was now a buzzcut with a spiky top.(Red Hood hair)

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