Ch.32 The First of Many

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto/Boruto

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator Pov*

*Tailed Beast Saga*

*Three Tails Arc*

"Izuku?" muttered Izumi as she stared up at her lost brother with complete shock with Bakugo and Shoto sharing the same shock. However, the shock wasn't shared by Izuku as his face remained stone faced as he looked down on them from the top of the hill. The setting sun illuminated him in a orange glow that made him seem dangerous even in the peaceful light. Just for a second Izumi second guessed if that was really her brother. His eyes were so dark along with his face, just cold darkness without a hint of warmth. She drowned those thoughts out and started to climb the hill while taking something out of her pouch, Izuku didn't react instead just remaining still staring at her like he was in a trance.

She stopped in front enough barely an arms length away and held out a piece of cloth with metal attached on it, Izuku's headband. "It's time to come back home Izuku." said Izumi with a small smile, Izuku extended his hand out palm facing up and Izumi dropped it into his hand. Izuku stared down at the headband with a neutral face that he could see in the shiny metal. He didn't say anything but instead remained quiet without a though as he continued to stare at his old life in his hand.

'Kill Them.'

'I can't....I.i i I couldn't do that to them. They are innocent they don't know the truth, they had no part in what happend. They.....they don't know the truth, they don't know what I did. I could join them and no-one would ever know the Truth. I could be happy again!'

'Were you ever happy with them?' poked the voice with a gilded tone taking Izuku back.

'I...Of course I was happy with them. I....I. Shut up what do you know of course I was happy!' 'Yes. Yes. Someone that was constantly plotting his revenge or mopping around because he was too much of a coward to get revenge. Or the child that took the coward's way out choosing the safest option so his 'family' would take him back. That definitely screams of someone that is happy. They don't take murderer's back boy! As soon as you step inside those walls they will execute you. KILL THEM!'

Izuku ignored him as he continued to stare at his old headband, he didn't even notice Izumi turning her back to Izuku giving her team a thumbs up. 'Would you be any different than the rest of these scum. Living a lie just so they could be happy, now answer me Uchiha. Were you happy with them?' 'No.' 'Are you the same as those murderers?' 'No, I'm different than them. I'll live my own truth, the proper truth even if it makes me the villain in their story.'

As Izumi continued to smile give them two thumbs up, Bakugo noticed something not far from him. He walked towards it, picking up what seemed to be a a piece of something. His eyes widened too saucers as he realized it was part of a featureless mask. 'Now now there. Let's fix that attitude my apostle. This is your story not theirs, you must realize Uchiha. There is nothing wrong with seeking revenge for the crimes that befell your clan. No matter what you do, you could never match the evil they committed. Look at these three that you once called family and friends. They laugh and smile without a care in the world while taking orders from a murderer. Don't you think they should learn actions have consequences?' Izuku's eyes glazed over for a few seconds with his face turning confused before his eyes turned back to normal. His eyes narrowed as they turned into his Sharingan now full of hatred. "Yes."

Lightning started to crackle from Izuku's hand as it consumed the headband making Izumi gasp. The metal shattered into pieces and cloth burned into nothing. With the chidori now in his right hand, Izuku lunged at Izumi aiming straight for her heart. Izumi was in pure shock as she watched her own brother aim to kill her. Shoto reacted fast slamming his hands on the ground making a trail of ice appear the two and creating a ice barrier that tanked the hit but cracking from the blow. "Ice Release-Freezing Wall"

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