Ch.20 Final 8

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto/Boruto

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

*Identity Arc*

Izuku sat in the back of the participate booth focusing his mind since he would be the first match. No-one bothered him since they were to overloaded with anxiety, focusing or just didn't care. Izuku did feel the gaze of two people and from his sensory it was Kumo nin, Dee leaking heavy amounts of killing intent and Izumi who probably heard about what happened between him and Shoka. Luckily neither of them were bothering so he continued his meditation, he can't have a outburst in front of all these people. he won't let them have the satisfaction of letting them under his skin.

Izumi stared with sadness at her brother who just broke up with her best friend. She wanted to talk about it but even she knew she had to focus on the tournament now and leave that for later. Also her dad said to start making connections with other villages, might as well start now. Izumi slowly went to each contestant and gave them polite greetings which each returned in their own way. Chi gave a nod of approval as she shook Izumi's hand, Dee gave her a professional handshake while wishing her good luck in the tournament and Inasa just loudly laughed and smiled as he brought Izumi into a bone crushing hug causing Shoto and Bakugo to glare at him. In Izumi's opinion they were all good people and would be great allies but dangerous enemies.

Soon trumpets sounded announcing the beginning of the tournament, however to Izuku's annoyance they dragged the opening for so long. Thanking sponsors, announcing the matches, The kages doing their little waves and then a small tribute to the fallen contestants. Honestly the most boring thirty minutes of Izuku's life. Finally Izuku and Dee were called into the fighting pit.

The boos were deafening as Izuku made his way to the pit while Dee was cheered many chants saying 'kill the bastard' or 'cleanse Konoha'. Izuku snuffed his anger as he just stared at his opponent with a neutral look while Dee just looked at him with pure hatred. Izuku got in a stance as the proctor started to ask if they were ready.


*Kage Booth*

Cee: I'm warning right now Yagi if he even tries to kill my son. I'll put him down like the animal he is in front of everyone and if you try to stop me. I will consider it an act of war.

Toshinori: Like your nation could handle losing a war like that. If you try to harm my son trust me there will be a war.

Yu: Hokage Yagi and Raikage Cee isn't it a little childish to be fighting like a bunch of kids like the ones fighting down there.

Enji: The only child around here is you Mizukage Takeyama. Learn to show your elders some respect.

Yu: And the elders should learn when to step out of the way of the future. Don't you agree Tsuchikage Todoroki.

Enji: Tch.

Cathleen: 'Sometimes I regret becoming the Kazekage. This is one of those moments.'

The Kage had an....interesting chemistry between them but they all respected each other's power. That is all besides that they hate each others guts. Absolute power will always corrupt absolutely, no matter the person or heart.


*Spectator stands*

The Konoha classes all watched in interest as they made small wagers with each other on who was going to take it all. Most saying Izumi since she is believed to be the strongest of their class. (Izuku holds back alot) Shoka just stared at Izuku with a sad look as she still hasn't gotten over him, she knows that even when they first started dating that it was never going to work due to her family. She held on to the hope that together they would have made it work, but she was blind to the fact that she was the only one trying to make it work. 

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