Ch.22 Betrayal

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto/Boruto

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

1 month has passed since Izuku was denied Chunin. Today was the day before his and Izumi's birthday which everyone had been planning as an surprise party. Izumi was apart of it since she wanted it to be more for Izuku rather then her. She forgave Izuku since she believed he was trying to help drop her arrogant attitude by beating the shit out of her. She was half right, he did want her to drop the arrogant attitude so she could get stronger but it was more so he could have a challenge in the future. However, Izumi was able to convince everyone with her story which they believed, though they were still worried about Izuku since what he did to the Kumo and Suna nin and how he only answers to Uchiha now.

Still they held hope this surprise party would be the thing to bring back the Izuku they knew and loved. What they didn't know was that Izuku for the past month had been scheming with Orochimaru to escape Konoha and make sure they don't come looking for him for awhile at least. Today was the say Izuku would make his escape no matter what got in his way, he needed to get stronger.

Today his team would have a simple patrol on the outskirts of Konoha should barely take a quarter of the day. Orochimaru said he will see the opportunity and it will be up to him to capitalize on it in his own way.  The plan was simple, a notorious missing nin that is specialized in Genjutsu would 'attack' his team and 'capture' Izuku in a Genjutsu. Simple means for him to escape and remain innocent until he didn't need to be anymore. 

Izuku right now was packing his things, he wasn't taking to much just the important things like his weapon and few scrolls. He didn't take anything else since he didn't want them to think this was planned by him, not until he was ready. As Izuku was leaving he felt a hand grasp his shoulder causing him to turn around and he instantly groaned internally.

Toshinori: We need to talk about your clan.

Izuku: Don't bother I already know everything and probably more then you at this point. So just leave me alone Hokage.

Toshinori reluctantly took his hand off of Izuku's shoulder allowing him to walk out of the house. However, the nagging feeling in Toshinori's soul saying he made a grave mistake. His soul screamed at him to talk to him before he left. To stop him but Toshinori ignored it as he flashed back to his office with a depressed sigh. Izuku continued walking towards his teams meeting location releasing a breathe as he tried to cool his anger.

Not long after his arrival his team set out to patrol the outer parts of Konoha mostly the surrounding forests and roads that surround/lead to Konoha. A C-rank mission at best but still this was Izuku's only shot and the only thing in his path was his team. Speaking of his team the mood between is almost unbearable to the point Nemuri is considering just disbanding the team and reorganizing the three into new teams. Izuku hardly or straight up refused to work with his teammates usually trying to complete missions on his own. He also just straight up ignore Nemuri's orders.

Right now Izuku was just quiet following his team as they patrolled, he looked up and saw it was around midday close to when the missing nin would show up. As they landed to take a break before heading back, Nemuri's ear piece started buzzing causing her to a put a finger to it to receive. Izuku side eyed as he silently listened by putting chakra into his eardrum.

Midnight: Mission Control what is it?

Mission Control: (Radio) Midnight! Reports of a S class missing nin in your area. Stay on guard, backup is on the way!

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