"It certainly doesn't seem like a common case," Enoch murmured.

I recalled the conversation I had with everyone about Eunji's imprinting on me before.

Monsters do not recognize humans as higher level predators, and the anaconda itself is already a high-level predator, making it difficult for them to find other creatures to imprint on. But they said it might happen if I have a huge amount of mana.

'I don't know. It's a mystery to me, too.'

I looked at Eunji while thinking about it, and then went back into the hut with Enoch.

Ruzef was asleep, probably tired, and Arthdal was drinking water while sitting in front of the kitchen table.

Arthdal ​​looked at Eunji in my hand and said, "He's smart for a monster."

It seems that he also knew that Eunji ate the Tentathionem all night long.

Hold up, are you saying I was aware of the bad effects of Tentathionem on Eunji's body, but still let him eat it all?

I can only shout at him "I had no choice but to let him do it. He did something that helped us."

Arthdal, who realized the meaning of my gaze, remained silent.

I was worried about what might happen to Eunji, but he was fast asleep with a relaxed face.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no problem so I went into the kitchen to prepare a meal with peace of mind.

Then Enoch came close and nudged me out of the way.

"Margaret, you need some rest. I'll prepare the meal."

After all, only Enoch takes care of me. For some reason, I was so embarrassed of the fact that I was taking care of Arthdal while Enoch lost consciousness, I almost burst into tears.

Arthdal, who was sitting with his hand on his chin, frowned as he looked at Enoch.

"No matter how I look at it, it's amazing. I can't believe Prince Enoch has changed so much."

"Basically, people change."

"I think so. The Margaret Rose Floné I know has changed too," said Arthdal, pointing his finger at me.

Then he patted his knee and grabbed my wrist, as if a thought had suddenly come to his mind.

"I've been thinking about it. Isn't it more efficient to build a raft than to see if there are any ships passing by on the shore?"

At Arthdal's words, I forgot the idea of helping Enoch and looked back at him.

It was only then that I remembered the plan to think about how to ask for help during my stay in the cabin.

"Come to think of it, you've shot fireworks into the sky with a magic tool several times, but no one has come close to the island so far. It's better for us to try to escape by ourselves than to wait for rescue." Arthdal spoke to me in a gentle tone.

This is most likely his way of telling me to persuade Enoch to build a raft together but I know that this island exists in a different time and space. There's no point in going off on a raft.

It will probably just circle around the island and then return to its original position.

"......why don't we think about it after the Saintess and the others return?" I persuaded him as gently as he tried to persuade me.

"We're still short on hands. What if we run out of energy from building a raft and then we run into a monster?"

In response to my question, Enoch, who was quietly preparing the meal, glanced at us and opened his mouth.

"Margaret is right. First of all, let's wait for the return of the Saintess and the others."

Arthdal who sat back down had no choice but to nod his head at Enoch's words.

"Yeah, good. If that is our situation."

"Stop whining before I ask you to duel." Enoch threw the stone knife he was holding. The sharp-edged stone knife grazed Arthdal's cheek and stabbed into the center pillar of the living room.

"Oh, my God. If I accept the Prince's duel request, I will have a hard time surviving. I must save myself before then." Arthdal ​​raised both hands and made a humorous gesture of surrender.

Enoch cast a scornful glare and Arthdal patted his chest with a hurt expression. The really ironic thing is that Arthdal, who always demeans Enoch and says that he is a half-prince, trusts Enoch the most among us.

Even though they don't get along very well now, was there something like friendship in their school days?

"By the way, if I can use magic here, I can definitely check the movement patterns of the monsters."

As I moved the sleeping Eunji onto the cushion made of collected leaves, I heard Arthdal's muttering and turned to him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

At my question, Arthdal tapped his eye and smiled.

"Well, I've talked about it before. I have a magic eye. This is an ability passed down from generation to generation through the royal bloodline of Hestia, but it's a royal secret unknown to the outside world. I will tell you something special about this situation."

"What.....? Magic eye?"

"It is the ability to see the flow of mana. With this, I am also able to distinguish the types of various powers, such as magical power and divine power."

It was something that Margaret had no memory of. As he said, it is Hestia Kingdom's secret, which was unknown to the outside world.

"The amount of mana that you have is enormous, Young Lady."

"But how do you know how much mana I have?"

"I have eyes to see that."

It seems that what he said before was not nonsense. I nodded my head in pure admiration.

"That's a great power."

"I know and it's a power the royal family needs. We have been using this power to recruit talented people."

If you could visually see everyone's mana, it must have been really useful for recruiting talented people.

"Anyway, this is also a power based on magic, so I can't use the magic eye since I came to this island." Arthdal sighed, wiggling his finger on the table.

"That's a bit sad. It would have been a huge boost."

"Everyone here is also sad that they can't use their powers. So are you, are you not?"

"......I wonder, did you really see how much mana I have? It was only for a short time that I saw you in the Hestia Kingdom."

Arthdal nodded. "If I look into a person's eyes, even for a moment, I can understand most of their mana. I was surprised, even though you have so much mana, you didn't know it...... Well, I expected it from the moment I heard that you broke the test ball at the academy but didn't try it again because of Banhwang."
[PR/N: She took the academy entrance test because Enoch was supposed to be her examiner but he wasn't so she didn't care to try again]

I don't know if I should be happy or offended by what Arthdal said.

I sighed and answered, "Right. The reason my mana isn't known is that I'm not showing my abilities. I just hate practice. As you know, at the time, the only thing I was interested in was Enoch."

At that time, Enoch, who was quietly preparing the meal, looked at me with a proud face. Then Arthdal ​​burst out laughing.

"It's a childish ending."

"Yeah. So I don't really regret that I can't use magic on this island. I don't even know how to use magic in the first place."

Arthdal, who was still resting his chin, looked at me with a worried face. Then he gestured to me.

I approached him with a puzzled face.

"Then let me give you a special gift."

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