C H A P T E R_18

460 46 3

Win's POV

      On our way to the warehouse, I was informed through the radio that they spotted a suspicious van and three motorcycles a few meters away from the location, it seemed like they're leaving.

    I stopped the car and Bryan got out, he got on one of the motorcycles that we have and told me that he will handle it while I handle the situation at the warehouse. I agreed and we went on separate directions.

    Bryan's skill in tracking and chasing is undeniably top tier, so I have full trust on him that they'll capture those guys. Nearing the warehouse, I saw my men surrounding it with guns pointing at it.

   I parked my car and immediately hop out, I saw Mix and AJ and I walk towards them.

   "What's the situation?" I asked in a hurry.

   "Some of them managed to leave, we believe that it's the van and motorcycles that was spotted meters away from here" AJ informed as I continue to listen. "They hostage four of the men that was guarding the place"

  "Have you positioned the snippers?" I asked looking at Mix

   "Yes, they already know what to do and now waiting for your command" He said.

  I nodded looking back at the warehouse. "Good. 20 men will go from behind and 10 from the front. Our priority is to make sure that the four hostages are safe."

  "Understood, sir"

   "Now, get ready"

   We managed to capture 12 men and the other 8 was killed. They're all armed and the moment we got inside, they have machine guns ready to fire. Luckily, only two of my men were injured by a bullet, it's manageable so it didn't worry me that much.

   The hostages only have some minor bruises and nothing more. The place is in total chaos right, this warehouse is meant for our goods, meaning some of the transaction goods are stored here. Mostly, guns and auctioned things.

   Mix is already checking the supplies if some are stolen, while AJ and JJ checked the perimeter is some are still hiding or spying on us.

   Fiat's the one who's in-charge of the injured ones, he has a medical degree which is a good advantage for us.

   "Win!" I heard Mix called me. I turn around and saw him waving at me, indicating that I go to where he is. And I did.

   "What's wrong" I asked as I reached where he is.

    "Looks like two of the auctioned items are gone" He replied looking at the boxes. "And a few items that we got from the Serpentbite"

   I clenched my fist, trying to calm down. "What were the auctioned items that are stolen?"

    "Two small tubes contains a poison that came from the Machiavellian's organization. And, another poisoned blade that came from the same organization" he explained.

     "So they're planning on taking those poison things, huh" I mumbled.

   "Seems like it, do you think they're trying to get their poisons and things back?" Mix asked.

   "I highly doubt that" I answered in full confidence. "They may be dangerous, but not in many decades did they came back to retrieve what theirs."

   "If they are really preserving their identities, wouldn't it be a good move to retrieve what they have?" Mix asked in curiosity.

   I shook my head. "I heard from Dad, they never bother to retrieve what they left from a scene. Since, no one really ever got to use those to find them"

  "Those guys really knows how to hide" Mix said.

   "Anyway, Bryan's currently after the van, let's wait for his report and hope that those things are there" I said before walking away.

    I roam around the boxes and checking each one. These are mostly guns, poisons and anything you could think of you can auctioned at a black market. Except human organs or captured omegas, we don't do those kind of auctioning.

   After a while, I received a report from Bryan. As expected, he is good at chasing, they managed to get the van and the one's on the motorcycles held down. They retrieved the poisons but not the box that's containing some things from the Serpentbite.

     I let out a frustrated sigh. I wouldn't care if the poisons were the ones to be stolen, but the Serpentbite's things?? I have no words. Those are valuable objects to me, I need them to track that b*tch down and make sure to torture her until the only things that is left are the plastic surgeries that she implanted inside her ugky body.

   My phone rang, bringing me out of my thoughts. I look at the caller ID and saw that it's Bright. It's still so early in the morning, so I'm quite unsure why he's calling at this hour.

  I answered the call and brought ut up to my ear.

    "Hey, wolf. Is something the matter?" I asked.

  I heard sniffling on the other end if the call, which made me nervous all over my body.

  ["H-hey, bunny. I-I'm sorry to call you even though you have an emergency at your work. But....c-can you...go here, just for a moment?"] He said in a voice that as if he's been crying for hours.

   I have only left for 3 hours! What the hell happened?!

  "Sure, wolf. Where are you?" I asked in a panic voice. I sent Mix and the others a signal that I'll be going first. I hop inside my car and drive fast.

   ["At the xxxx xxx hospital"]

  "Why are you at the hospital?! Is everything alright? Are you hurt? Is Chatri hurt??" I asked clearly panicking.

   I stepped on the gas, speeding up and going straight to the direction of the hospital. It's early so I doubt that any police patrol is awake, they're always slacking of at this hour on the road. Some of my men follwed me.

  ["I-I left him with your Dad. I just.....I couldn't being him here"] he answered with a hoarsed voice.

  "Okay, okay. Everything's gonna be alright, I'm already in my way and just try to calm down until I get there, okay?"

  ["Okay, just...hurry up, Win. I need you..."] He said, his voice cracking up and I heard him crying..

   I need you....

   I held up my tears and focused my mind on the road. The last thing I would want is to get into an accident which will make Bright cry more, hearing his broken voice and cries are already clenching my heart.

   "Don't worry, I'll be there. Who are you with?"

  ["No one, the paramedics were the ones who called me"]

   "Okay, I'm on my way. Try taking deep breaths, I'm not gonna hang up"

   Please be okay.....

    Like I said, I love tragic endings😎. I don't know why but, I love it when something tragic happened and it makes me more depressed than I already am.

   But, don't worry since this story is far from ending. Nu-uh, we're not even at the peak yet! Anyway, new chapter is done and now onto the next one. See yah!!

  Don't forget to vote if you love the chapters! Mwuah!♥️♥️♥️

Updated date: 16th of May 2023


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