C H A P T E R_7

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Win's POV

   I didn't know that I fell asleep after making sure that Chatri ate his food

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

   I didn't know that I fell asleep after making sure that Chatri ate his food. Maybe because I was also feeling tired at that time. One thing that surprised me the most was when I woke up, my face is in Bright's chest. Yes, his chest.

    I was about to get move but then I felt an arm wrapped tightly around my waist, I also noticed that Chatri is clinging so tight to me as well and is sleeping soundly. I tried to remove Bright's arm but he only tighten the grip and snuggled his face on my hair.

    A blush appeared on my face and a sense of comfort is starting to fill inside me. If Bright was one of those whom I one night stand with, I would've punch his face. But, for some reason, I feel much more tired now that I'm actually really really near him.

   With that thought in mind, my eyes started to close and tiredness had conquered me again. I sighed in contentment and unconsciously snuggled under Bright's chin with my nose touching his neck. I also held Chatri tight and he's sandwich between us now.

   After a while, I woke up. I turned around so now my face is facing the ceiling, rubbing my eyes. I waited till my sight adjusted well with the light. I look around the room and noticed that Bright and Chatri are not here; also, the curtains are slightly opened in which the light from the sun is shining through.

    I stayed in bed for a couple of minutes before finally deciding to hop out. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, I just used the towel that was hanging to dry my face and left the room.

    Walking down the stairs, I heard chatters and laughers. I reached the dining room and saw the three of them eating breakfast. Chatri's the first one to notice me.

   "Oh! P'win!" He shouted in delight. Which made Bright and his grandma's attention to me.

   "H-hello" I said timidly and bow.

  "Good that you're finally awake" Bright said. He stood up and held a chair. "Come on, eat your breakfast"

    I got a bit annoyed but also flustered. With a small pout forming on my lips, I walk towards the table and sat down.

  "Are you feeling alright?" I asked Chatri and placed my hand on his forehead.

  "Yep! Turns out that I just missed you!" He answered with a joyful tone and bright smile on his face.

   I sighed in relief. "That's goo- wait what?"

  "Chatri got his fever for missing you too much, I know it sounds like a joke but it always happens to pu—kids! Yeah, kids" Bright answered before looking away. He's sitting on my left while Chatri's on my right side.

   I look at him confused. What was he going to say?

   "Anyway, let's eat, hm?" Bright continued. He gave me my breakfast which is...just a bread with butter and a avocado, also a coffee.

BW-S1: Trays and Guns|| A BrightWin AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ